Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

GYMREWARDS — Get Paid for Exercising

What is GYM Rewards?
GYMREWARDS is Decentralized Proof of Exercise Blockchain with imaginative portable application that enables you to mine GYM cryptographic money with your body. 

The GYM Rewards venture comprises of a whole answer for help getting paid for working out. Blockchain that backings Proof of Exercise to the GYM Rewards Exchange for gyms and different accomplices to come and trade GYM Tokens. There is no compelling reason to sit tight for trades to help GYM and there is no compelling reason to go for broke of stalling out with futile tokens.

ICO Ground Rules
  • To ensure that we have a smooth and secured ICO we have concocted some standard procedures. If it's not too much trouble take after these to ensure that you can take an interest and be sheltered. 
  • Token deals will be at 10,000,000 GYM Tokens for each day. More tokens accessible the following day. 
  • Just purchase tokens from this site. Ensure you generally take a gander at the connection. It ought to dependably be from the space. 
  • Try not to contribute to wallet tends to sent through Telegram, Slack, Twitter or some other informal organization. 
  • ICO Token deals will be open and close amid particular circumstances, the counter will declare the following opening time. 
  • Least buy sum will be 0.1 ETH, Max sum will be 50 ETH 
  • All nations can take an interest, aside from United States Residents who should be licensed financial specialists to take an interest. Turning into an authorize speculator isn't a troublesome procedure. Take in more here. 
The most effective method to add contract to myetherwallet subsequent to purchasing tokens. 
  • Open myetherwallet 
  • Tap on "Include Custom Token" 
  • Enter Contract: 0x92d3e963aa94d909869940a8d15fa16ccbc6655e 
  • Enter Token Symbol: GYM 
  • Enter Decimals: 18 
  • Snap Save
ICO Details
The GYM Token will be used for the ICO funding of the GYM Rewards App and Blockchain token structure that will be used for the fitness industry.
  • GYM transaction fees will be distributed among ICO Investors in relation to their token market share at the moment of ICO closing. (per QTR Payment)
  • GYM ICO Token Holders will receive 1:1 on Ethereum GYM Token to Plate GYM Tokens.
Token Distribution
  • 5% Long Term Reserve
  • 5% Core Team
  • 4% Airdrop and Bounties
  • 3% Advisors and Partnerships
  • 10% Token Sale*
  • 73% for GYM App Mining
Max Cap: 2,000,000,000

"Whatever does not sell at the ICO goes back to GYM App Mining. All token allocations will be mirrored at the Plata Blockchain".

Token Sale
  • Start: March 2018
  • Hard cap: 15,000 ETH 
  • Soft cap: 100 ETH
  • Token: GYM 
  • Exchange rate: 1 GYM= 0.0001 ETH
  • Project protocol: ERC20

Why the Blockchain? 
When they began pondering their undertaking they made them thing as a primary concern. What would they be able to do as such the huge mining ranches quit getting the majority of the piece of the pie? The primary reason we as a whole love cryptographic money is on the grounds that it avoids the center man, and in light of the fact that, They figured they would have the capacity to really take out unreasonable dispersion of cash. This is the place GYM Rewards comes in. They will have the primary digital currency that may be minable by our bodies. We are generally equivalent, the main thing that will separate who claims more cash will be measure by the sweat of our activities. 
  • Confirmation of Exercise (POE) 
  • Heart rate observing 
  • Cryptographic money wallet 
  • Tokens and Smart Contracts 
  • Long range informal communication 
  • Prizes referral highlights 
Rec center Rewards App 
Track your activities and benefits with our GYM App utilizing the present driving wellbeing gadgets. 
Extreme objective of GYM is to be the across the board answer for pay competitors for their activity, give wallet to deal with their profit and streamline their activity schedules. 
  • Heart rate checking 
  • Exercise log 
  • Cryptocurrency Wallet 
Some GYM Rewards APP Screenshots


2017 December
  • Brainstorming — Carmelo and Jose brainstormed on how we could introduce a man powered blockchain and mass adoption to support it. GYM Rewards was born.
  • Proof of Concept — App proof of concept developed. Blockchain Integration tested.
  • Ron Palmer Joined as an Advisor — Ron Palmer Joined as an Advisor, They are happy to have him in their team, his experience in technology improvements is essential.
2018 February
  • Partnerships  : They have had great luck leveraging our connections. We are sealing a few great partnerships. Will announce soon.
  • Carroll Moon  :  joined the team as an advisor. Carroll Moon joined the team as an advisor. They are very excited to have him onboard! Carroll is also the Co-Founder and President at KidFit (non-profit)
  • Beginning of Airdrop  : Beginning of Airdrop. 2% has been allocated to bounties and the Airdrop. Join theirs telegram for more information.
  • Whitelist Token Distribution  : Whitelisted participants will be able to purchase first privately. These whitelisted members will have the opportunity to buy at a 60% Bonus for 48 hours starting February 27th.
2018 March
  • ICO Launch- ICO LAUNCH at 50% BONUS Starting March 1st. Only, Limit 10M Tokens sold per day. If 10M tokens are sold in the day, the sale will close until the next day. It at any time the Max Cap is reached, the ICO will end.
2018 April
  • ICO 40% Bonus Stage- This ICO Bonus Stage starts on April 1st. These token sales will include a 40% bonus.
  • ICO 20% Bonus Stage- This Bonus Stage starts on April 15 th. The bonus at this stage is lowered to 20%
  • ICO 10% Bonus Stage- This Bonus Stage starts on April 30 th. The bonus at this stage is lowered to 10%
2018 May
  • Final ICO Stage- This Bonus Stage starts on May 1st , end in May 15th. There is no bonus on this stage. The cost of GYMs will be at 1 GYM per 0.0001 ETH
  • GYM Rewards App Beta- The GYM Rewards beta app will be release in May 15th. Initially on Android, and a couple of weeks after on iPhones.
  • GYM/ETH GYM/BTC ETH/BTC Exchange- They will be launching their own Exchange to support your trades and the ones from participating gyms in order for them to accept GYM Tokens for memberships and products.
  • Etherdelta Exchange Listing- They should be on Etherdelta by private link on May 15th, however, we expect to be officially launched at Etherdelta by the end of the month. Other exchanges should follow.
And More Upcoming plans

Our Motivated Team

Our Advisory Board

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Senin, 26 Maret 2018

The Vision of iShook with Blockchain Technology


"Books are the bearers of human progress. Without books, history is noiseless, writing moronic, science injured, thought and hypothesis at a stop." 

The exponential recurrence at which recently produced content is on the web is astonishing and fills in as an indication of how complicated and sensitive the connection between content designers and their crowd is. Consistently, a great many bits of substance are both made and devoured crosswise over different systems with restricted measures of interoperability. There's both an absence of an epicenter and network among stages and groups of onlookers. 

Over the long haul and as more people receive rising innovations, the environment is relied upon to proceed to grow and encounter a type of diffusing. Distributing content online stipends content makers access to a wide and disseminated global gathering of people. The issue is, by what method can the achievement of a substance maker be precisely estimated against the stunning substance they make while covered among the noise? 

Blockchain innovation has turned into a prominent product in the consideration economy because of its capacity to expel a developing imbalance between facilitating administrations and substance suppliers. Keepers and specialists are left fighting for themselves while bigger enterprises cover them under the commotion and advantage from their backbreaking. As a videographer or an author empties their spirit into their gem, the vessels in which their substance is conveyed are tormented with guardians that desire to strip them of what they're legitimately owed.

iShook utilizing blockchain innovation plans to interface content makers and groups of onlookers and furthermore to guarantee rich substance are conveyed to end clients. iShook will give a solitary informal organization portal amongst creators and their gatherings of people. 
  • iShook is for the social peruser who looks for better access channels to their coveted substance. 
  • iShook is for the note takers who wish to share and access their notes straightforwardly from content makers and different perusers. 
  • iShook is for the substance makers searching for a solitary system divert in which they can distribute, adapt, and advertise their substance.

iShook's future objectives incorporate a substance biological community in which any medium of imagination can create a benefit. iShook anticipates being a stage for encouraging distributers and perusers, as well as specialists, performers, on-screen characters, and any substance designer looking for a superior method to uncover and adapt their material all around.

iShook Token 
iShook tokens (SHK) are the utility of iShook stage which will be utilized toward the start for microtransactions and P2P installments for content. 

Token Details 
Ticker name: SHK 
Token standard: ERC20 
Add up to Cap: 1 000 
Delicate Cap: 2000 ETH 
Tokens available to be purchased: 570 000 
Crowdsale end: May,22 2018 
Installment strategy: ETH, BTC, BCH, LTC, XRP 
Rate: 1 ETH = 1,000 SHK 
1 BTC = 36,000 SHK 
1 BCH = 3,000 SHK 
1 XRP = 1 SHK 

Token Distribution

Fund Allocation

Road Map

Be a part of this tremendous project!!!

For more information, please visit any of the following links:

Jumat, 23 Maret 2018


Blockchain is a term broadly used to speak to a whole new suite of innovations.
There is significant disarray around its definition in light of the fact that the innovation is beginning period, and can be executed from numerous points of view contingent upon the goal. "At an abnormal state, blockchain innovation enables a system of PCs to concur at normal interims on the genuine condition of an appropriated record," says MIT Sloan Assistant Educator Christian Catalini, a specialist in blockchain advances and cryptographic money. "Such records can contain diverse kinds of shared information, for example, exchange records, traits of exchanges, qualifications, or different snippets of data. The record is regularly secured through a shrewd blend of cryptography and diversion hypothesis, and does not require trusted hubs like conventional systems. This is the thing that permits bitcoin to exchange esteem over the globe without falling back on conventional mediators, for example, banks." On a blockchain, exchanges are recorded sequentially, shaping an unchanging chain, and can be pretty much private or mysterious relying upon how the innovation is executed. The record is appropriated crosswise over numerous members in the system — it doesn't exist in one place. Rather, duplicates exist and are at the same time refreshed with each completely taking an interest hub in the biological system. A piece could speak to exchanges and information of numerous kinds — cash, computerized rights, protected innovation, personality, or property titles, to give some examples.

Our Vision 
The present arrangements sought after by the Health Care innovation industry have brought about a troublesome decision amongst care and security/monetary misrepresentation for patients. We see this issue incredibly extending as more information is being made by the business. Blockchain's safe innovation, properties, circulated nature can help lessen the cost and effectiveness of these activities and in addition give a feasible security foundation.

Our Solution facilitates to offer best healthcare for the patients, bettercashflow and optimum patient services KPIs for care-provides and costreduction and efficient process improvement for the insurance industries SSOT Blockchain is Smartcontract driven , encoded dispersed database framework.

Any interfaces to the outer performing artists are handled by SSOT private chain fueled
techstack. Institutional exchanges are approved by SSOT fueled side chain. There are 2 customers are utilized

SSOT Ethereum Web App client
SSOT Webapp client is an plugin application for any EHR application which would enable public key based transactions. Also provide a gateway application to care providers SSOT Wallet.

SSOT Ethereum Mobile Client
SSOT Mobile client is run on SSOT Blockchain tech stacks facilitates authorized transactions between Web app client and distributed database where all the medical records are stored by the patients.

A progressive EMR application controlled by SSOT BlockChain Technology The SecuredEMR is the main application created ground up utilizing Blockchain innovation on the planet. Everybody have ideal to claim their own medicinal information in secured framework, SecuredEMR is information wallet with anybody and who has control to whom share utilizing iron-clad security convention fueled by SSOT Blockchain.

The SecurePharma is the primary earth shattering Blockchain based Pharma application. Enhanced work process, worked in AI based calculation helps individual , drug store, PBMs and medication makers in the production network. The item is administrative consistent and review prepared application. Drug store framework driven by check, modify and mediation driven process. 
Completely agreeable SSOT drug store Blockchain and SmartContract empowered scrambled framework.

The SSOT Blockchain fueled application with SSOT AI motor handles complexities of protection claims. It oversees misrepresentation in different lines of business in the protection industry. Add just record process with SSOT system is completely securing the protection information from extortion.

Funding and Budget SEHR Token
  • SEHR Token Distribution
  • SEHR is a limited supply token.

  • SSOT Foundation has issued a total of 1000 million SEHR token
  • No more SEHR tokens will be issued
  • 500 million SEHR tokens will be offered via Pre-sale and Token sale
  • 500 million tokens are reserved for team, foundation and community
SSOT Vesting Schedule
Vesting schedules are typically used to focus and reward the executives and team for growing the company and platform. Vesting schedules are a fair and transparent method to reward the team incrementally, instead of all upfront or all at the end.
  • 500 Million SSOT tokens are reserved for the Foundation members, advisors and early supporters
  • The reserved tokens will be allocated at the sole discretion on of the governance council
  • The reserved tokens when allocated are subject to the vesting schedule below
  • Vesting schedule begins from the date Token sale completion
  • Reserved tokens cannot be sold at a discount to issuance price

How Vesting Works
A colleague who has been conceded 1000 SSOT tokens with a vesting calendar of 20% each 6 
months, will get 200 tokens at every one of the 5 vestinng occasions, over a time of 30 months

Use of Proceeds
Planned use of proceeds as below. Will be reviewed and approved by the governance board.

SSOT Network Stakeholders Model
SSOT Network revenue is collected in SSOT and can be organized into 4 categories

Market Place 
Revenue from SSOT market place, Apps creation fees and apps revenue sharing

Revenue from SSOT subscribers as transaction fees.

Revenue from SSOT partners when partners using SSOT ecosystems

Revenue from SSOT customers configuration, professional servicesand Integration


Team Members

Moses Rajan : Co-Founder , 25 years of experience health technology Entrepreneur with 4 startups in healthcare and analytics. Having MBAand MS from Brandeis University, USA and educated at Harvard University , Cambridge. IBM Certified Blockchain Developer.

Anita Suri : Co-Founder , 21 years of experience technology Entrepreneur with 2 startups in healthcare and analytics. Have MS from BayBath University, USA.

Dr.Kalyan Kalwa : 25 years of experience health technology Entrepreneur with 17 startups in healthcare and analytics. Dr.Kalwa is a Medical Doctors and founder of Health Innovation, Cambridge MA .

Mohit Verma : 30 years of experience Insurance technology Expert in performance and solutions architecture. Having MS from Brandeis University, USA

Dr.Daniel Prabakaran : 30 years of experience in biotech, pharmacy and health industry
Entrepreneur with 7 startups in healthcare and analytics. Postdoc from Harvard University , Cambridge.

Advisory Council
  1. Dr.Steven Abreu MD - Lahey Clinic
  2. Dr.Nicolas Jabbour MD - BayState Medical
  3. Dr.Micheal Reale MD - Yale, Trinity Health
  4. Dr.Rob Evans - Brandeis University
  5. Dr.Greg Norris - Harvard University
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Kamis, 22 Maret 2018


Official Summary 

Alt.Estate Group is a budgetary innovation organization offering another answer for land 
tokenization: the Protocol and the Platform. 

Alt.Estate Protocol covers the innovation, corporate structure and legitimate consistence viewpoints 
of tokenization. The Protocol will be a turnkey answer for any individual who needs to tokenize genuine home, from designers to people. The Protocol is very much situated to end up the new 
standard of the business. 

Alt.Estate Platform is the commercial center for essential deals and auxiliary exchanging of tokenized resources. The Platform enables clients to exchange land in portions with higher liquidity and lower costs.

Focal points 

Low Entry Ticket 
  • The capacity to purchase a 1/1,000 division of a property makes it open to anybody. 
Low Transaction Costs 
  • Conventional expenses of up to 30% of property cost are disposed of with tokenization. 
Worldwide Portfolio 
  • People and foundations can purchase or offer divisions of properties without fringes. 
Solid Expertise 
  • The Alt.Estate group and consultants have more than $4bn worth of exchange involvement in land. The different group foundation and mastery rouse leap forward advancement. 
Speculation Portfolio 
  • Indeed, even a little financial specialist can expand his portfolio by buying tokens of a Manhattan penthouse, a stockroom in Guangzhou, a collaborating space in Amsterdam and manors in Bali. 
Security and Protection 
  • Due industriousness methodology preceding the property token offering and circulated stockpiling of all the gathered data give extra assurance.
Demand for ALT token is expected to exceed initial token supply 10X in the first 3 years*

How It Works 

Alt.Estate enables proprietors to tokenize land resources with the goal that they can be sold in parts: 
  • A proprietor needs to offer his property or any part of it 
  • A property is checked and assessed 
  • Alt.Estate tokenizes the property practically, separating it into various portions 
  • Purchasers buy tokens speaking to portions of the property 
  • Different property-particular tokens are exchanged on Alt.Estate Platform (the costs are set by the adjust of purchase and-offer requests) 
Alt.Estate Platform Structure also, ALT Token Circulation

ALT Token Sale Details 

Cost: 0.00001 ETH (1 ETH = 100,000 ALT). Hard top: $30m.


Leadership Team


Why Blockchain 

Alt.Estate pushes the land market to end up really shared. The change from a brought together framework to a decentralized one must be smooth to moderate usage dangers. The honesty of the Protocol can enable two gatherings to make an arrangement without the intermediation of an outsider, or to utilize an outsider when essential. 

Speedier Transactions 
Alt.Estate Protocol kills outsider representatives, legal counselors and banks by adding them to the system or accepting their capacities, for example, postings, archive stream and installments. Standard enrollment of the title of deeds with legally approved records could take up to 60 days. An Alt.Estate exchange can take under 10 minutes. 

Lower Costs 
Alt.Estate can possibly enormously diminish exchange expenses by disposing of outsider middle people and overhead expenses for trading resources (up to 30% of property cost). The Alt.Estate exchanging expense is 2% (a lessening of up to 15-overlap contrasted with a conventional land exchange), which can be additionally decreased as the system develops. 

Land proprietors gain admittance to both fiat and digital money financial specialists without customary crosscountry limits, which exceedingly accelerates the property deals process. Property-particular token holders can exchange them in the auxiliary market inside the Alt.Estate stage or wherever they need. 

Partial possession empowers buying land with a littler ticket. Property-particular tokens are altered for every property and purview. Venders get an adaptable deals instrument, and purchasers can browse a wide assortment of land openings without customary crosscountry limits. 

Proprietorship and exchange information is open to all companions on the system. It is put away in the disseminated web and hashes are recorded to the blockchain. The disseminated accord is accomplished by means of a proof-of-stake calculation: purchasers and merchants are enabled with control of their data and have more trust in leading exchanges. 


David Buys Fractions of Several Ocean Villas With Just $25,000 

Looking to differentiate his stock and bond portfolio to acquire higher returns at a similar level of hazard, David needs to put $25,000 in land. He realizes that he needs to center around here and now rentals because of the taking off interest for Airbnb and other online commercial centers. David doesn't have enough to buy such property, and he isn't permitted to put resources into private land vehicles under his nation's laws (he doesn't qualify as a licensed speculator). The main alternative moderate to David is REIT shares, which are helpless to value instability and connection with money markets, particularly amid an emergency. Alt.Estate helps David and different financial specialists who are attempting to get to the elite universe of land. With Alt.Estate, David makes sense of the best alternatives accessible for him through the online stage. He chooses a few sea estates in Indonesia, France and the Dominican Republic and right away buys their tokens from the auxiliary market inside the stage and now has an enhanced portfolio. 

"Crypto Whale" Jin Fu Quickly Gets the Real Estate of His Dreams 

Jin Fu, an early Bitcoin and Ether lover and speculator, has amassed impressive riches, for the most part putting resources into digital currencies. He wishes to mostly secure in the benefits and is thinking about offering his crypto resources for fiat monetary standards (a few a huge number of US dollars and Euro) and putting them in genuine resources. He needs to buy land, yet he doesn't see how confounded and costly the procedure can be. In the wake of counseling with his legal advisor, he discovers that he can't pull back his cash from the crypto trade, in spite of consenting to all its KYC and AML systems, as his nation does not have enactment that would enable him to affirm the wellspring of salary to experts. Alt.Estate acquaints another route with get introduction to land. Jin Fu changes over his digital currency straightforwardly into ALT tokens. In spite of the fact that ALT tokens are not upheld by resources straightforwardly, they can be traded for property-supported tokens. For instance, he can buy the flat he had always wanted in Miami, which is recorded on the stage. 

Pedro Gets Money for Stanford by Tokenizing His Apartment 

Pedro is a worker of a multinational organization, and he has recently gotten a MBA program acknowledgment letter from Stanford Graduate School of Business. He would rather not miss such an opportunity, but rather educational cost charges at Stanford's MBA program are over the top. The main scholastic year alone is over $100,000. 

Pedro's underlying arrangement was to cover some portion of the costs by leasing his home with the rest of the part financed by bank advances. Pedro's counts demonstrate that the month to month intrigue installments are higher than the rental salary. Another alternative is to offer his home, however that is the slightest wanted situation since Pedro is sincerely appended to the property. Alt.Estate enables Pedro to offer a small amount of his home, get money in a flash, and in the meantime keep on benefitting from introduction to this pay producing property alongside different speculators. He can purchase and offer any number of tokens relying upon his current money related circumstance and income. Additionally, the Protocol gives him the chance to purchase back every one of the tokens of his property.


Real Estate Has Historically Produced Attractive Returns Relative to Other Asset Classes

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Mossland: Augmented Reality Mobile Game & Moss Coin

Since we witness the exponential increment in the quantity of ICOs discharged each and every day right now, we endeavor to present you new encouraging ones consistently to give a decent outline of the activities. Today, we have picked Mossland venture that offers AR (Augmented Reality) versatile amusement in view of land, since we watch that an ever increasing number of portable diversion players download and appreciate the conventional area based diversion, and Mossland presents a significantly more propelled diversion in light of blockchain innovation. (

Customers will recognize genuine properties in their neighborhood, above all, they will have the capacity to acquire and trade them in the diversion. Those virtual belonging in the amusement can be tradable and additionally liquified because of the cryptographic money exchange highlight, and customers should invest energy and effort to increase the estimation of their belonging. Also, the quantity of registration will decide the incentive in the amusement and customers will endeavor to pull in more individuals displaying AR objects-Accessories-in association their virtual belonging. As such, customers try to build the quantity of visitors advancing their frill. Additionally, Mossland presents Moss as methods for installment in the amusement, so clients can purchase Properties and in addition Accessories and exchange them utilizing Moss in-diversion digital currency in light of blockchain innovation. 

Besides, Mossland presents a basic showcasing procedure on account of the genuine area based P2P ad highlight. Clients will have the capacity to run advertisement crusades in the virtual areas that will pull in an ever increasing number of individuals; at that point different clients will start to visit genuine spots with the impacts of promotions. Likewise, AR Accessories will give both delight involvement and genuine esteem.

Mossland utilizes GPS innovation like the majority of the area based administrations since individuals who utilize cell phones effortlessly advantage from GPS ability. Mossland group watches that because of the registration administrations of gigantic organizations, straightforward person to person communication administrations has turned out to be less profitable. Now, Mossland incorporates conventional administrations with AR innovation so certifiable areas will be reshaped and upgraded with virtual protests curiously and entertainingly. In addition, clients will appreciate the top to bottom gamification highlight of the Mossland. Because of the AR questions on Properties, clients will have the capacity to advance their belonging by improving them. 

While playing the diversion, clients will have the capacity to hunt and registration to close-by areas to procure rewards which will be utilized to propel their properties with the goal that the principle activity will check in the amusement. Accordingly, clients will endeavor to redesign their virtual resources gathering prizes, for example, Gold and Item, and they will center around both registering with different places and step up their Properties. 

Greenery Coin 

Mossland offers Moss Coin as the in-amusement digital currency. Holders of Moss Coin will have the capacity to make installments and exchange the amusement. Additionally, when more individuals start to play the amusement and promote in the Mossland, their Moss Coins will be considerably more important with the goal that holders will appreciate a decent benefit. 

Possess your point of interest! 

Principle ICO will be propelled Mar 12, 2018 13:00 (UTC+0) 

Just whitelisted clients after KYC process can take an interest in the Main ICO of the Mossland. 


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Jumat, 16 Maret 2018

This is cool cousin

Data over-burden and one-sided online substance in the unified travel showcase, makes it outlandish for explorers to discover significant information. Regardless of how hard they attempt to keep away from questionable online suggestions, quite a bit of their valuable get-away time (and dime) is squandered on fair places that don't fit their vibe.


Cool Cousin is the remedy to this developing dissatisfaction. Utilizing our benevolent application, voyagers get on-request city direction that matches their style and needs, specifically from similarly invested local people

Once they've associated with a Cousin, voyagers can specifically contact them for customized city direction. Consistently, a large number of explorers contact our Cousins for guidance on timing their visit, where they should stay, tickets for extraordinary events, current occasions, modified schedules and the sky is the limit from there. 

Cousins are a refined rendition of the movement specialist, enhanced for Millenials and Gen Z.

Taking a leap forward: introducing CUZ
Cool Cousin is en route to turning into an amusement changing decentralized travel organization for the Millennial and Gen Z voyager: 

Utilizing blockchain innovation and fueled by the crypto token CUZ, Cool Cousin will offer explorers different and reasonable premium administrations, while making another wellspring of wage for local people far and wide, without trading off the substance's reliability.

Independent COMMUNITY 
An independent Community of patrons who claim their Cool Cousin profiles, screen content quality and adapt their one of a kind learning. 

Moderate redid travel benefits by neighborhood specialists would now be able to be offered on account of low overhead expenses and exchange charges, furnishing all explorers with efficient administrations that lift encounters.

Becoming greater, quicker because of the foundation of a self-representing group—the Company can run a lean activity with no overhead, naturally spreading to new domains, and effectively onboarding new benefactors. 

Unprejudiced SERVICE 
Dependable data is shielded by blockchain innovation, which restricts the organization's capacity to settle on business choices that trade off the administration's realness.

Token Allocation
The CUZ token supply will be limited to 300,000,000 units
and allocated according to the following:




Cool Cousin's 17-man group comprises of capable experts from various orders, with strong industry experience and triumphs. In the wake of cooperating for a long time constructing the Cool Cousin stage and group, our group has a demonstrated reputation of appearing our vision and making items individuals adore. We are pumped and prepared to go up against new difficulties. 

Establishing TEAM




For more information please visit our LINk below:

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