Kamis, 25 Januari 2018


PUMAPAY - Payment Protocols that are Flexible And Can Be Customized With Specific Requirements

Hallo, meet again with me, this time I need to present my post about the task, Pumapay, ideally my post is extremely intriguing to diliat, and here are the surveys:

Decentralized Vision, a blockchain organization that creates installment conventions that join the advantages of customary charging and blockchain advancements, today reported the presentation of the PumaPay convention; an exhaustive blockchain installment arrangement that gives charging instruments to web based business, online administrations and customary dealers.

We offer a free piece based convention that decentralizes exchange preparing administrations and replaces customary and current blockchain based charging techniques. By using imaginative malleable contracts and contracts, we utilize mind boggling and broad installment strategies like pay-per-utilize and repeating exchanges that were never beforehand offered as an across the board answer for cryptourrency.

The main impetus behind our convention is an indication of FDI. Any cryptographic money can be changed over to PMA to completely use the PumaPay convention.

With PumaPay you can: 

  • Alter charging arrangements 

  • to the outlet 

  • on the web and disconnected internet business 
  • Offer 

adaptable and complete client charging arrangement including 

  • general installment, 
  • pay per utilization, 
  • one time installment, and the sky is the limit from there 
  • Dispense with mediators which it forces 
  • commissions of around 3% - 15% for every 


  • Dispense with chargebacks Increment trust amongst clients and business with expanded security and purposeful protection Apply cryptographic money straightforwardly with the organization not a repetitive expansion level Bank 

Our activity 

Solid help from blockchain innovation and decentralization, we perceive the hole between web based charging prerequisites and existing blockchain arrangements. Visa preparing frameworks are gradually getting to be noticeably out of date and ought to be supplanted with conventions suited to the necessities of quick moving, worldwide and tech-situated individuals. The economy is balanced. Our main goal is to modernize the installment handling framework by making a developing digital currency economy in view of the PumaPay convention. The PumaPay convention formed into:

Institutionalize and empower thorough installment techniques through blockchain

Decentralize the charging business and spare huge expenses for various middle people

Increment the utilization of crypto in on the web and disconnected market to business level

Empower capable dispatch accomplices to upset their market by making a decentralized adaptation of their stage 

PumaPay Protocol 

  • The PumaPay Protocol increments and encourages the utilization of cryptographic money over various environments through an exhaustive charging arrangement: 
  • Adaptability is custom fitted to future charging needs and current 
  • PumaPay is an adaptable and adjustable installment convention with particular needs. The conceivable outcomes are huge, what would you be able to do with PumaPay! Settled occasional installment sum 

Intermittent installments are variable 

Pay per use Rehash installment settled Postponed one-time installment A thorough, complete charging prerequisite PumaPay offers capable, across the board charging systems that are significantly more believable, productive, adaptable, financially savvy, and versatile than current charging strategies.

One of a kind/particular 

  • Shared installments Security, trust and namelessness 

  • PumaPay intends to comprehend corporate client certainty issues, enhance security and ensure the protection and namelessness of its clients. 

Installment is restricted

Unconditional promise 

Our convention is an adaptable arrangement that meets all charging necessities. It enables organizations to utilize PullContracts pre-made or alter different modules and modules to make their own particular arrangements.

PMA economy

The PMA signs bolster our convention and add to the development of our biological system. We will support the presentation of PumaPay tokens in the on the web and disconnected enterprises, concentrating on internet business and online administrations. By disentangling the reconciliation of our conventions and making FDI an accepted installment medium, we need to achieve basic clients, assembling a quickly developing crypto-streaming economy.

Our pseudo economy lies in 5 columns:

motor development

PumaPay offers motivators to organizations and specialist organizations to utilize the PumaPay convention.

Starting client

Organizations from various businesses have chosen to incorporate PumaPay arrangements.

Begin accomplice

Our dispatch accomplices will coordinate the PumaPay conventions into their stages and work with us to give the premise to the decentralization of the whole business through the boundless usage of the PumaPay token.

Pride of PumaPay 

As a component of the emotionally supportive network to be created to encourage the presentation of PumaPay tokens, we will incorporate the application as a feature of our wallet which will seem to organizations utilizing PumaPay tokens.

Extra specialist co-ops from outsider suppliers

Empower outsider organizations to construct the administration layer close by conventions, add to the PumaPay biological system, and make new business open doors for organizations (eg, credit systems, security, code confirmation, and the sky is the limit from there).


Q1 2018

Reconciliation of ICO PumaPay

PMA Token V1.0

V1.0 with an awesome early adopter

Start of second from last quarter 2018

Testing Next Generation Blockchain

Reconciliation V1.0 with ChatMaker

Start of final quarter 2018

PMA Token V2.0

Android Wallet V2.0

SDK I (NodeJS) V2.0

Reconciliation V2.0 with

Awesome Adopter Initial Integration V2.0 with

Introductory Reward Introduction Machine

Start of the main quarter of 2019

Chrome V2.0 Wallet

iOS Wallet V2.0

Coordination V2.0 with ChatMaker

SDK II (Java, Python, ...) V2.0

To be refreshed

30%: open donors

10%: motor development

19%: Strategic accomplices and early clients

5%: counsel

10%: Team

~ 3%: Reward Program and Fees

~ 20%: organization

~ 3%: reward for open supporters

Buma PumaPay Campaign 

The PumaPay economy is basically reliant on its biological community. Along these lines, PumaPay rewards its vital accomplices and early adopters with PumaPay tokens. PumaPay will distribute a sum of 200,000 tokens for its Bounty crusade. Any individual who needs to get a PumaPay token can enter one of our social abundance programs: 

Abundance Gifts 

Meet our group

For more data : 

Site: http:/pumapay.io/ 

REDDIT: https:/www.reddit.com/r/PumaPay/ 

FACEBOOK: https:/www.facebook.com/PumaPay/ 

TWITTER: https:/twitter.com/PumaPay 

Message: https:/t.me/PumaPay

link btt profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1496201
