REPUX — Special Protocol Level System Using Technology Decentralized

Welcome to all, enable me to present my most recent post about the venture, Repux, ideally intriguing to see. also, here are the audits:
Knowing RepuX
Repux is an exceptional convention level framework that utilizations square anchor innovation to sort the relating dile between settled information on various kinds, distinctive institutional structures and individual clients, and to alter them when vital. The most productive component of the repux convention is joining a scope of decentralized archived square advancements, for example, Sia, Ethereal, Eos, and others, to give clients abnormal state piece creation administrations. By basically making the stream of information and data between these frameworks simple and attainable, the application creators who make and utilize this information give information partaking in the current market condition. Our convention does not require mediators during the time spent sending this information,
The RepuX producer information convention will get significant incentive in such manner.

RepuX Protocol System Processing
With the advancement of our convention, it will be prepared to construct manmade brainpower in light of huge scale information. Every substance and information in the framework can be assessed with the goal that the Oracle framework guarantees the honesty of the convention so the information clients can make certain of the substance and nature of the information they purchase.
Vision and Goals of RepuX
As a RepuX, we have a dream to enhance the notoriety of information security and notoriety. Conveying another breath to the prerequisites and information exchange framework by making a protected convention between the individuals who produce, gather, and utilize information; This is to convey noteworthy outcomes to your business. On account of the convention we have made, information makers can without much of a stretch access this information to end clients and application clients because of Token RepuX.
We will likewise make Token RepuX, which can be utilized as a device amid different exchanges in different ventures, and can be utilized for the buy or substitution of items and administrations. As the notoriety and utilization of the RepuX conventions expands, the estimation of the coins will likewise increment and we will increase the value of this.
Investigating Analysis RepuX
The issue is: Companies that handle propelled innovation store a lot of information in their frameworks, and they encounter a few issues in the utilization and exchange process. This issue causes genuine loss of time and cash for organizations.
Arrangement: With the RepuX convention, information trade between different organizations and clients can be effectively accomplished and cash left in your pocket. By joining a few decentralized advances under a solitary convention, a proficient and lossless square bind can be bound together to make idealize information trade and market exchanges.
Because of the repuX convention, every substance and any post-exchange notoriety esteem are allowed if asked for and checked by the prophet framework. This approval convention guarantees uprightness and that associated with the framework will guarantee information quality.
RepuX Gives Value to Your Data …
To get more nitty gritty data identified with venture specialized data; You can get to the task specialized archive from the connection beneath.
RepuX Technical Document (White Paper)

The RepuX Mobile App interface
A few pictures from our versatile application, which has a simple to-utilize and simple to-utilize interface that enables clients to get all that they need. Moreover, you can likewise get visual outline data identified with the accompanying video ventures.
Deals Token RepuX
This amazing offer of coinage will be acknowledged in two phases as a noteworthy pre-deal and deals deal as said beneath. Upwards of 500.000.000 Token REPUX is accessible.
Pre-Sales: From 17 November 2017 to 23 January 2018.
Principle Sales: From February 6, 2018 to March 9, 2018.
Pre-deal is at present in advance. You can get half reward from token got from beginning deal. Keep in mind, just 100 million Token RepuX has been sold in the pre-deal stage.

The circulation of coin task will be as per the following.
20% it will be sold amid pre-deal.
30% will be sold amid significant deals.
10% Reserved for prize pool.
23% will be sold on stage.
12% Developer will be an individual from the group.
3% Consultant
2% deals crusade Token deals process
Likewise, 40% of all income created will be utilized to enhance projections, 25% for advertising, 20% for associations and 15% for operational exchanges.
To put resources into your future and join forces with this undertaking, you can take an interest in the offer of coins from the connections as an afterthought. Deals Token RepuX
Reponder Members Support Program (Affiliate Program)
Another approach to get from Repux Tokens is to incorporate this program. On the off chance that you are included with programs, pennants, standards, joins, messages; to put it plainly, you can win each repuX token that has joined your venture with your task. You can tap the connection beneath to join the program with 5% commission rate.
Bolster Member RepuX
With an accomplished and entrepreneurial group with years of experience, it won’t be hard to prevail in our task. You can utilize the connections beneath to get nitty gritty data about the vocations of our staff and experts. Group RepuX

5% Campaign Twitter
5% Campaign Awards
35% Campaign Signature Bitcointalk
15% Campaign Promotion and Campaign Management
Content Creation Campaign 30% (Blog, Articles, Video)
2.5% Promotion Youtube Awards
2.5% Telegram Awards Campaign
2.5% Cryptocompare Awards Campaign
% 2.5 Bonus Awards are saved for Campaigns.
All members who wish to take an interest in the honors battle must go to the wire channel.
- Repo Telegram Canal
- Repux Award Campaign Telegram Channel
Bitcointalk Rewards will have the capacity to get to crusade subtle elements from our titles, and you will have the capacity to get some portion of the prize pool from this huge blessing pool.
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