Selasa, 30 Januari 2018


STREAMITY — Innovative P2P stage in view of blockchain innovation

As indicated by CoinMarketCap, the normal every day measure of cryptographic money exchanging September 2017 surpassed 4 billion US dollars, and crypto showcase capitalization over 130 billion US dollars. Be that as it may, the digital money showcase is too little contrasted with the quantity of exchanges the world’s customary monetary forms. Hence, every day exchanging volume in the FOREX advertise is esteemed by specialists of the Bank for International Settlements to 5.1 trillion US dollars. At the present level of crypto-heart improvement, these figures can be accomplished by the crypto advertise inside 2– 3 years. Thusly, it is very conceivable that soon we will live in another reality in which the cryptographic money trade market will turn into an overwhelming world market.

Kryptocurrency trade
Cryptographic decentralized Streamity will create administrations StreamDesk reasonable and careful trade for fiat money kriptocurrency without delegates. We will shield our clients from swindling, so regular in this market, by utilizing shrewd contracts. The Streamity Project is a capable innovation and data asset that covers all parts of blockchain building and was made for gigantic free improvement and dispersion.

There is a noteworthy cryptographic market advancement prospect however to date there is no genuine passage into the cryptography market — with negligible commissions. The digital currency showcase is exceptionally unpredictable. This is a major hazard to do trade administrations with low commissions. On the off chance that you need to maintain a strategic distance from such dangers, the organization adds them to client commissions or extraordinarily builds the conversion scale of digital money. The StreamDesk stage is a savvy answer for this issue.

What is DAPP StreamDesk?
StreamDesk is a P2P stage where the two gatherings execute exclusively. There is no examination amongst StreamDesk and regular money related organizations, for example, banks or stock trades, since fiat monetary forms are exchanged specifically between individuals.StreamDesk is an inventive P2P stage in view of blockchain innovation, with security and ideal exchange conditions. The entire procedure is extremely remote, giving time investment funds to clients.

investment funds for clients.

Highlights StreamDesk
  • Shrewd contract.
Keen contracting is a vital piece of the Streamity biological community.
  • Legalitas operation.
The KYC strategy took after by Streamity depends on a reasonable organization standard.
  • Least commission.
Clients pick the move technique in their sole circumspection, and installment of expenses in the money won’t be essential by and large. Commission digital currency differs from 0 to 2%.
  • The effortlessness and accommodation.
StreamDesk is a basic and simple approach to purchase or offer digital currency in one savvy application.
  • Kebebasan crypto group.
Both money and fiatocurrency fiat are not obstructed by the stage. It enables us to work legitimately in many wards.
  • Service is reasonable.
The estimation of Cryptocurrencies is as close as conceivable to the present conversion scale. Data about the crypto esteem gathered from the fundamental crypto-curent trade, the normal market esteem is set online in the market .

The STM Token will be available to exchanging on the key crypto trades that will enable it to be accessible to new clients and let speculators offer it immediately. The improvement of STREAMITY administrations and the consideration of new clients will make unfaltering STM asks. In this way, the STM token has boundless potential for swapping scale development in connection to the fiat cash, and furthermore to the principle crypto. Since the “STREAMITY” venture depends on well known mass administrations, the interest for venture administrations will be kept up for economic situations of digital currency. Along these lines, we expect stable STM conversion scale development with generally low instability.

Clients inspired by their STREAMITY benefit get a STM token at a value much lower than the cost at the season of administration dispatch that gives them noteworthy reserve funds when utilizing STREAMITY Crypto-speculator administrations. They can profit by offering STM tokens on the auxiliary market or utilizing tokens STM as a generally safe segment of their speculation portfolio.

Token Sale
PRE-ICO Streamity
  • Start: 25.12.2017 (12:00 PM Moscow Time, UTC — 8)
  • End: 28.01.2018 (12:00 PM Moscow Time, UTC — 8)
offers extraordinary rebates relying upon the coveted period of speculator bolster venture.
  • 30% — rebate prescribed amid PRA-ICO.
  • Number of tokens accessible amid PRA-ICO: 20.000.000STM
  • Target PRA-ICO: 2.8 million USD
  • Crypto got: BTC, LTC, ET, USD, EUR
  • Price token 1 STM = 0.2 USD
This cost does exclude rebate.
  • Number of tokens per individual: no restriction
  • Minimum exchange charge: 0.1 ETH
  • Maximum exchange charge: no restriction
At that point ICO will have 2 stages
  • Phase 1: 1 day reward 20% and reward 2– 14 days 15%
  • Begin: 12.03.2018 (12:00 PM Moscow Time, UTC — 8)
  • End: 25.03.2018 (12:00:00 Moscow Time , UTC — 8)
  • second Phase: 10%
  • Begin reward : 16.04.2018 (12 : 00 PM Moscow Time, UTC — 8)
  • End: 29.04.2018 (12:00 PM Moscow Time, UTC — 8)

STM TOKEN SUPPLAY = 186.000.000STM and 1 STM = 0.2 USD

What is Streamity?
As we as a whole know lawfulness and status of cryptographic forms of money isn’t clear in numerous nations on the planet. That is the reason the majority of the known centalized trade stages don’t govern in full consistence with the current laws. So there is dependably a hazard for clients about exchanging on these consistent trade stage.

Streamity venture has a successful answer for disposing of this hazard. Streamity venture will give a P2P decentralized stage to savvy contract digital currency trade. All trades will be performed straightforwardly between clients with no brokers or mediators.

StreamDesk Service
Streamity Team created StreamDesk for exchanging fiat monetary standards, for example, USD with cryptographic forms of money, for example, Bitcoin, Ethereum, or Litecoin without middle people which will spare its clients from extortion by its Smart Contract innovation.

Streamity will give the power and control of trade procedure to its clients by disposing of every single outsider and any focal experts.

StreamDesk is an extremely easy to use and legitimate approach to trade digital currencies in a single keen application. StreamDesk stage depends on Blockchain and Smart Contracts Technlogies which gives most extreme security and straightforwardness.

Principle Benefits of Streamity
  • Dispensing with mediators for less costs and speedier operations.
  • Quickest and simplest method for cryptographic money to fiat cash trading for the two novices and specialists.
  • Setting the power and control over the trades in the hands of its clients.
  • Giving greatest security and effectiveness. No extortion, No trick!
  • Reasonable for most digital forms of money in the market.
  • Giving a trade stage as well as news and investigation, instructive, and venture assets.
  • Giving all day, every day specialized help for its clients.
  • Streamity Token (STM) and Token Sale

STM token is the principle component of Streamity Project. Clients should have STM token to influence utilization of any Streamity to benefit.

Streamity Token-STM is an Ethereum based token. STM tokens are being issued which cling to the ERC20 tokenstandard. It can be put away in any wallet that help ERC20 tokens, for example, Mist, MetaMask, MyEtherWallet.

See the insights about token deal underneath:
  • Name: STM
  • Token standard: ERC20
  • Add up to Cap: 186 Million tokens
  • Value: 1 STM= 0.2 USD
  • Pre-ICO: January 22nd 2018-January 28th 2018
  • ICO-first Phase: March 12nd 2018-March 25th 2018
  • ICO-second Phase: April sixteenth 2018-April 29th 2018

Installment Method: BTC, LTC,ETH, ETC, USD, EUR

Streamity offers uncommon rebates amid token deal:
  • Pre-ICO: 30%
  • ICO-first Phase: 1 Day (20%); 2–14 Days (15%)
  • ICO-second Phase: 10%
Streamity Team

Advantages Of Streamity
Merge form.
Streamity is registered in Singapore and is intended for completely legitimate operations.

Meetings and conferences.
We will hold meetings and conferences on various topics for people in various countries.

Streamity aims to gain recognition from the public through the P2P platform and the development of a powerful portal that focuses on blockchain and cryptocurrencies techniques.

Training in the community.
Streamity will provide extensive training courses along with its partners.

Artificial Intelligence.
The plan uses artificial intelligence techniques in various Streamity environmental sources 

Streamity is working with a blockchain company for technology development.

More detailed information can be obtained by visiting the link below:

Website :
Whitepaper :
Facebook : https: // www / streamity
Twitter : https: //
Telegram :

link btt profil :;u=1496201
