Selasa, 30 Januari 2018


The latest way to profit from rental markets

Why pick RxEAL 

RxEAL is a stage for inconsistent and safe store stockpiling security on the Ethereum blockchain. This furnishes a decentralized question determination with an essential concentrate on land and car rental markets worth many billions of USD consolidated. RxEAL will likewise be accessible to different businesses requesting untrustworthy capacity of assets and a reasonable question determination. The store is the measure used to cover the misfortunes endured by the investment property. Be that as it may, giving cash to others for capacity involves trust. The paying party can not guarantee that the store has been securely put away and that the other party will restore the store. Moreover, at the finish of the understanding, it might take a long time for the renter to get their arrival store, and debate can possibly end once they are settled in court, taking longer than time. We trust that RxEAL is the answer for wipe out the expanding number of fake cases in rent exchanges identified with out of line finding of assets from safeguard toward the end 

rental understanding by giving an interface to take part in these exercises utilizing keen contracts requires no specialized learning. Not exclusively does RxEAL take care of the issue, it additionally gives quicker return store rates and cost adequacy contrasted with current off chain arrangements. 

In RxEAL client stages fit for creating savvy contracts in view of the terms the two gatherings have conceded to. The agreement will guarantee that the store sum is securely put away in the Ethereum blockchain over the span of the assention without the likelihood of singularly changing the terms of the agreement or getting to the assets. In case of a question concerning the last division of the store, our stage will give a decentralized and autonomous assertion by a qualified part who gets RXL tokens to determine the debate. 

By joining blockchain innovation with ordinary rent exchanges we can assemble a completely new route for clients who do not have the specialized learning to exploit the advantages offered by shrewd contracts. 

We trust that RxEAL is the response to the developing requests of customers occupied with land, auto rentals and different exchanges including 

safeguard. We give more secure, speedier and less expensive arrangements than conventional choices. 

RxEAL gives an approach to safely keep a store for different rental items as digital forms of money utilizing brilliant contracts in Ethereum blockchain and in addition a reasonable debate settlement ensure process. 

200.000 USD As of now contributed by private organizations and financial specialists 

What occurs next? 
  • Q3 2017 Market Test and Evidence of Concept 
  • Q4 2017 Fruitful Seeds 
  • DEC 4TH 2017 Dispatch RXL Pre-Sale Token 
  • JAN 31 2018 Dispatch RXL Token Sales 
  • Q2 2018 To begin with C onboarded 
  • Q3 2018 Extension in UK and US

cooperation with decentralized applications and keen contracts on the Ethereum biological system and ensures a settled standard of security. The fundamental financial quality of the RXL token is its utility. The RXL token enables selective access to administrations gave by the RxEAL stage, in this way making it an utility token, as opposed to a theoretical instrument. The estimation of the RXL token specifically relates with the accomplishment of the RxEAL stage. Given the settled token supply, an expansion in RxEAL benefit use straightforwardly prompts a valuation for the token incentive by goodness of it being a unit required for paying the administration charge of the stage. RXL Tokens might be utilized actually by the holder, exchanged to an outsider or exchanged trades. The RXL token beginning change rate is: 1ETH = 400 RXL. Given the token dispersion model and number of tokens accessible available, the underlying business sector capitalization will be equivalent to the contributed sum for the conveyed tokens. Tokens that are held for possible later use or couldn't be sold on general society showcase and can't influence the cost are subsequently prohibited from computation. Just circling supply is utilized to decide introductory market capitalization instead of the aggregate supply. The most extreme introductory market capitalization after commitment rounds may likely demonstrate preservationist once a start-up turns into a set up organization offering an anticipated arrangement upheld by progressive blockchain innovation given the gigantic market potential. Utilizing the proposed benefit evaluating model the accompanying token request conjecture can be anticipated: 

Token Demand 
  • Day by day exchange: 25,000 

Anticipated yearly token request in USD: 

Normal store Total ask 
  • $ 300 $ 104,025,000 
  • $ 600 $ 166,987,500 
  • $ 900 $ 229,950,000 
  • $ 1,200 $ 292,912,500 
  • $ 1,500 $ 355,875,000 

The example ask for a RXL token in USD is comparable to utilizing the essential administration cost demonstrate and accepting a half question rate.


Underneath you can read general data about RxEAL colleagues, accomplices and task consultants 

Dmitrijs Orlovs 

Prime supporter/Strategy Business and showcasing 

Dmitrijs has picked up a far reaching background in expense and fund while working in EY with organizations, for example, L'Oréal, IBM, General Electric, Accenture and others. Likewise, Dmitrijs has succeeded different tasks in its field, designing and advertising. Dmitrijs has additionally increased profitable deals and showcasing knowledge while acting as Head of Sales at startup equipment and keeping in mind that overseeing 
related showcasing ventures in the biggest retail chain in the Baltics 

leksandrs Puzdrans 

Fellow benefactor/Technology and operations 
Aleksandrs built up an office spend significant time in the improvement of WordPress-based arrangements with more than 20,000 customers from around the globe picking their items. Aleksandrs has examined universal financial matters and business strategy and is constantly energized by new innovation, and keeping in mind that taking a shot at a FinTech related land venture in 2016 he turned into an energetic open door that blockchain could give to enhance the business and in the long run this transformed into the making of RxEAL 

Janis Dabols 

Prime supporter/Law and Finance 
Janis is an alum of the University of Latvia where she gets LL.B. Law and BSc in Finance other than moving on from Riga Graduate School of Law with LL.M. Law and Finance. He has filled in as a monetary market and worldwide monetary expert, organized private value and elective speculation reserves, complex business land exchanges and has given money related, legitimate and assess counseling for different organizations and high total assets people 

Boris Koziorovs lead advancement 

Boris is a specialist and specialized programming engineer with crucial involvement in creating adaptable ventures and actualizing programming answers for new companies, inner frameworks and CRM. He has been the pioneer of the IT office group at Rention — a organization building up an entire property and rental administration section. Boris goes about as an innovation specialist and organizer in different new businesses. Moreover, Boris is a board part in an advanced foundation and he is centered around creating and actualizing current programming answers for different clients 

Janis Egle 

Outline, UX and UI 
Janis is a capable website specialist and has contemplated outline at Baltic International Academy. He has helped to establish a website composition office work in the improvement of WordPress-based items in 2011. Janis has taken an interest in different individual, corporate and government ventures also, is filling in as a bundling and visual planner at the main DPJN Inc. mark revive. 

Ainis Dabols Ainis 

Assessment and legitimate 
advise has taken a shot at charges and legitimate issues for over twenty years and has built up himself as an exceptional master in the pertinent field. At present, he is a Latvian Council Member of the Tax Advisory Association, where he speaks to the expert interests of assessment specialists in dialogs with delegates of the Ministry of Finance and authorities of the Tax Administration. 

As a money related and lawful guide, Ainis has taken an interest in different speculation and administration ventures, exhorting on impose arranging, charge law, assess chance assessment and speaking to customers in budgetary and legal experts. 

Liene Abola land and legitimate counsel 

Liene is an exceptionally experienced master 
in different territories of law. For quite a long while now he has worked with development and land legitimate issues and has demonstrated learning in connection to down to earth capacity while acting as a legal advisor in a worldwide development gathering of organizations in Europe. Prior Liene had demonstrated polished methodology acting as a partner judge in an area court, and later, the Supreme Court. As a legal counselor, Liene has taken an interest in different development ventures, giving legitimate interview and assessment on protection, work, development, duties, and unique laws. Liene has additionally effectively taken an interest in global law moots as a member, as well as an authority. 

Andrew Johansson 

Monetary advancement and land consultant in the US 
A monetary advancement pro with late aptitude in the accompanying regions: financial effect investigation, corporate social obligation (CSR) improvement, vital counseling for Fortune 1000 organizations, monetary displaying, information perception and examination, and back of the city. Before building up his own immediate arrangement of the proprietor of a monetary advancement expert, Andrew filled in as specialist to organizations and scholars in the Joined States, Finland, Latvia, Lithuania and Sweden. 

Mindaugas Peciokas 

Budgetary and warning innovation 
Mindaugas has more than nine years of inside and out experience working in fund and bookkeeping. He is at present situated in Luxembourg working with private value reserves and worldwide land. Influenced by the everyday operations of assets and organizations, he is likewise comfortable with legitimate game plans and expenses on assets and partnerships, and consistence and administration subjects. He has broad experience managing substantial complex solidification of multinational organizations. Beforehand, Mindaugas filled in as an examiner at KPMG for a long time increased broad involvement in the operations of bank, protection, pharmaceutical, retail and assembling organizations. Some of their customers are popular on the planet including Nestle, Roche, Ergo and Nordea. 
Mindaugas is likewise an IT aficionado. He already filled in as a software engineer with various new companies, for example, penny closeouts, CRM and land frameworks. 
Mindaugas holds a four year college education in Economics from the University of Leeds and is an individual from ACCA. He likewise passed Level 1 CFA examination. 

Gunita Kulikovska business improvement counselor 

Gunita's experience lies in engineering, urbanism and urban techniques. He is an individual from Forbes' 30 under 30 and TEDx speakers. Archipreneur has additionally given acclaim, as he announced one of the seven most uplifting ladies business people in the field of engineering. In 2016, he and his partners set up a new business alive holding onto the VR as another medium for building a superior city. Unmistakably this is additionally perceived on the VR world guide with ability progressively VR web arrangements. The organization began as a boondocks in the engineering plan industry and strengthening tasks, for example, NY Affordable Housing Challenge, Rail Riga Station Baltica and Astana Expo. The aspiration to fabricate a worldwide business on new innovation has prompted a quickening in the Sauna Startup, Helsinki and Slush rundown of 100 organizations. real operations situated in London, UK. 

Kristaps Silins Strategy Advisor 

Kristaps is one of the district's most outstanding brand systems, having worked with 75+ brands crosswise over Europe, with late battles in Sweden, Germany and the Netherlands. His work has been highlighted in global media, including the New York Times. More than 20 grant winning publicizing grants, including the 
"Oscar Strategy" — Golden Euro Effie in 2014-make 
Kristaps the most granted strategist in the Baltic. Forbes magazine has additionally perceived Kristaps in its 30 Under 30 rankings in 2015. 

The Team

The Partners 

  • Scandiweb 
  • White Label 
  • McCann Riga 


Join With RxEAL 

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