Kamis, 01 Februari 2018


A brilliant move to kill tricking in the exchanging business

There is a misconception among numerous youngsters today that the primary method to progress is through a state funded school or school. It has abandoned us with an extensive number of going with people:

They have degrees yet don’t realize what to do with them and they don’t offer unquestionable employment opportunities. They tidy up the gridlock work by not having the right space for advance ,They discover their way into a coincidental or rich trade and really take away some of their gifts, benefits and empowers their livelihood. Intemperate accentuation on school courses has blinded numerous youngsters to get honest to goodness employment in a capable or talented exchange. here then you ought to at any rate comprehend that gifted exchanges exist, yet you may have questions. The gifted exchanging terms incorporate profession ways that require difficult work however far above basic levels of work or development work.

From the measurements gathered from wikipedia.org, I watched that exchange or gifted specialists get more than a couple of school graduates however there is deceiving in a similar industry; talented exchanging industry, and as we probably am aware, wherever misrepresentation turns out, there must be doubt and where incredulity turns out, there will be no genuine feelings of serenity for good arrangements, or administrations to be given or got. Given it from mind, I’m acquainting you with Bob’s Repair stage.

Weave’s Repair Platform: Two kin are the authors of this stage and they have been collaborating with contract laborers to purchasers since 2013, updating 55,000 purchasers and producing over $ 1,000,000 of pay to their transitory specialists through publicizing exercises. At that point, her two kin

The siblings at that point utilized Blockchain innovation which is the most recent defining moment in mechanical advances to address the considerable issues influencing the home change advertise now by building Bob’s Improvements.
Weave’s Repair’s stage changed the world by beginning with brief laborers.

How? Somebody may inquire.
The reason for this stage; Bob’s Repair’s essential objective was made to eliminate extortion in a gifted exchanging industry by bringing all the immediate and minimal effort clients, straightforwardness and true sentiments of quiet while chasing down an agreement laborer and one approach to accomplish this is to dispatch decentralization. Site where hunt should be possible by anybody with an enthusiasm for the specialist and check how their administrations previously marking it.

To accomplish this: Mission

  • Bob’s Repair’s essential objective is to take out deception and intercession in business.
  • Bob’s Repair is building a Trusted Transaction Network where customers can describe reference focuses with contract specialists and discharge unlimited supplies from each phase of the business.
  • Since 2014, Bob’s Repair has chipped away at more than 50,000 customers by interfacing clients with specialists through a strict Skilled Trade Workers Platform (STWP). Weave’s enhancements are right now situated to develop to the best 100 US Markets.
  • Repair Bob will utilize a brilliant contract to introduce the portion and distribute it as the referral has been finished.
  • Smart contract: what is otherwise called cryptocontract, is a PC program that straightforwardly controls the exchange of advanced money or resources between parties under specific conditions. Shrewd contracts not just describe rules and disciplines around an indistinguishable comprehension from traditional contracts, however they can likewise approve that dedication. Without dealers, innovatively ensured, simple to utilize. With this combination into Bob’s Repair stage, transparency and certainty will be accomplished. When one gathering takes care of the demand or supply, the structure normally makes foreordained stores and in conditions where one gathering comes up sho

The Solution
To settle audit extortion, promoting expenses and valuing straightforwardness, Bob’s Repair will manufacture the Bob Application on the STEEM Blockchain. The Bob Application will comprise of a modern iOS,Android and web application.

At that point, when both side of exchange clients and temporary worker leave an audit Bob’s Repair will interface that survey to the real budgetary exchange. By connecting audits with real money related exchanges, buyers can assume that the survey is genuine and unaltered. Genuine audits from genuine buyers, gives better data so buyers can settle on better choices.

The Bob Application won’t have promoting from contractual workers. Therefore, contractual workers won’t pass on publicizing expenses to costumers. Contractual workers can’t purchase perceivability on Bob’s Repair through publicizing. Rather,due to the capacity of upvoting, hailing posts,and client notoriety on the STEEM blockchain perceivability is administered by justify. For example, if a contractual worker has more confirmed positive reviews,then that temporary worker will have a more critical nearness The structure will dispense with shrouded promoting costs.

The Bob Application will have straightforward evaluating. Each audit will give the cost of the administration broken into the material and work costs. Shoppers will be capable effectively look surveys to decide the real material and work costs for certain administration. This straightforwardness will drive down costs and battle swelled expenses.

Bounce’s Repair is another achievement or development in the realm of cryptocurability which Bob’s Repai is utilized for taking out survey extortion with confided in exchange between mortgage holders and contractual workers. We are utilizing the Blockchain to empower trusted exchanges between mortgage holders and repair contractual workers. In the event that you inquisitive and intrigued about this task, please visit Bob’s Repair site http://bobsrepair.com/

Weave’s Repair Mission
Weave’s Repair’s main goal is to totally take out extortion and mediators in the business, bringing all customers immediate and low costs, straightforwardness and a genuine feelings of serenity while hunting down a temporary worker.

Savvy Contracts for Smart Contractors
Weave’s Repair will use shrewd contracts to hold installments retained and issue them as breakthroughs are finished.

Trust With Blockchain
Weave’s Repair is building a Trusted Transaction Network where shoppers can characterize breakthroughs with contractual workers and discharge endless supply of each task arrange.

Across the country Expansion
Since 2014 Bob’s Repair has adjusted more than 50,000 clients by interfacing purchasers to contractual workers through the exclusive Skilled Trade Worker Platform (STWP). We’re presently organized to grow to the main 100 US Markets

About Bob’s Repair ICO
The originators of Bob’s Repair have been interfacing contractual workers to purchasers since 2013, adjusting 55,000 shoppers and producing over $1,000,000 in wage for their temporary workers through advertising activities. The two siblings at that point chose to use Blockchain innovation to take care of the considerable issues influencing the present home repair advertise by establishing Bob’s Repair. Bounce’s Repair is an organization that was made to dispense with audit extortion in the talented exchange benefit industry by propelling a decentralized site where anybody can look by past exchanges for any specialist and perceive how much their administrations will cost — information that is put away in an unalterable manner for anyone to view. The authors will locally available the past 55,000 customers and specialists to the entryway instantly after dispatch. We are changing the world by beginning with the contractors — who will trust lie and no more basic part — the heart — of our general public.

Token Sale

Add up to token supply: 360,000,000 BOB
The correct number of tokens produced relies upon the measure of assets contributed. No token creation, printing or mining after the ICO is finished

half tokens for ICO members
Prompt riser rewards laid out in the White Paper. Join our whitelist and Telegram station to get exceptional rewards.

20% tokens for the Team, Advisors and Bounty
See data about abundance in the Whitepaper

Go ahead folks Join the Ico will begin in 11 days


John McAfee Supports Bob’s Repair and puts stock in its vision of upsetting Home Repair through a decentralized stage.

Our Mission

Bounce’s Repair’s main goal is to totally wipe out misrepresentation and go-betweens in the business, bringing all customers immediate and low costs, straightforwardness and a genuine feelings of serenity while scanning for a contractual worker.

About our ICO.
The authors of Bob’s Repair have been interfacing contractual workers to customers since 2013, overhauling 55,000 buyers and producing over $1,000,000 in salary for their temporary workers through showcasing activities. The two siblings at that point chose to use Blockchain innovation to take care of the considerable issues influencing the present home repair advertise by establishing Bob’s Repair. Bounce’s Repair is an organization that was made with a specific end goal to wipe out survey extortion in the talented exchange benefit industry by propelling a decentralized site where anybody can look by past exchanges for any laborer and perceive how much their administrations.

will cost  information that is put away in an unalterable manner for anyone passing by to view. The organizers will locally available the past 55,000 customers and laborers to the entrance quickly after dispatch. We are changing the world by beginning with the contractors — who will trust lie and no more fundamental part — the heart — of our general public.

Trust With Blockchain

Bob’s Repair is building a Trusted Transaction Network where consumers can define milestones with contractors and release funds upon completion of each project stage.

Nation-Wide Expansion

Since 2014 Bob’s Repair has overhauled more than 50,000 clients by associating purchasers to temporary workers through the restrictive Skilled Trade Worker Platform (STWP). We’re currently arranged to grow to the best 100 US Markets.

Shrewd Contracts for Smart Contractors

Weave’s Repair will use keen contracts to hold installments retained and issue them as turning points are finished.

Sway’s Repair Idea,June, 2014
  • Siblings Alex and Fred’s Air Conditioning unit brakes. They call a repair man and because of phony surveys and high costs keep running into an issue settling their unit. Alex thinks of the plan to make a place where clients can associate with genuine and efficient talented exchange laborers
Benchmark achieved,October, 2017
  • Associated more than 55,000 clients to temporary workers through the exclusive Skilled Trade Worker Platform (STWP)
Sway’s Repair Corporation,October, 2017
  • Bobsrepair.com is disposing of extortion in the administration business by acquainting Blockchain with the buyer through a decentralized postings commercial center.
  • JANUARY fourth, 2018 Official pre-deal opens to financial specialists around the world.
  • Through Reg A+, a U.S. Sway’s Repair is managed the chance to raise up to $50 million of every a year time span utilizing an “open requesting” of its offers and have the offering be excluded from SEC and state securities law enlistment.
Crowdsale ends!TBA
Delicate top 10,000ETH, Hard Cap of 30,000 ETH

John McAfee
Partner and Senior Advisor to Bob’s Repair.

Meet Our Team


Trusted Advisors

Details Information :

Website : http://bobsrepair.com/

Whitepapper : http://bobsrepair.com/Whitepaper-summary.pdf

ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2589545

Telegram : https://t.me/bobtoken

Twitter : https://twitter.com/bobsrepair

Facebook : https://web.facebook.com/BobsRepairCom/

Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/bobsrepair/

link btt profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1496201
