Sabtu, 03 Februari 2018



  • Copytrack is Located in the core of Berli and will be at present a quickly developing business. Copytrack is have a center to creat of a Global Decentralized Copyright Register for keen advanced substance, which verifies for clients and connections computerized extremely licensed innovation. This online registry cen be produce a make one of a kind environment for rights-holders, subsequently giving new first proficient commercial centers. 
  • Copytrack additionally influence a reasonable online stage for any distributers, to picture organizations, photographers,and web based business merchants. Copytrack remain for reasonable administration of protected innovation on the web. 
  • Copytrack have 4 key administrations , Number One ( Post-authorizing in more than 140 nations), Two ( Legal exhortation by qualified legal counselors), Three ( "A single tick" case administration), and Four ( Personal client benefit). 
  • Copytrack likewise have any advantages for rights-holders, and One ( Free utilization of stage), Two ( Zero danger of lawful requirement), Three ( Focus to"post"- permitting), and Four ( Fair approach for the two gatherings). 


Copytrack Technology Features 
  • Elite Web-Crawler ( prove consequently keeping in mind the end goal to looks a huge number of sites in the web worldwide consistently) 
  • One of a kind picture coordinating ( motor contrasts every one of client's pictures and all discoveries. make simple to trimming, changes and altering will be perceived and considered) 
  • Programmed securing of confirmation ( naturally keeping in mind the end goal to guarantee a fruitful implementation ) 
  • Programmed location of time of utilization 
  • Programmed count of remuneration 
  • Programmed Rights Clearing Portal 
  • Programmed location of encroaching gathering ( All pictures discovered online are naturally to arranged per nation including the encroaching party's information) 
  • PCI consistence ( COPYTRACK conforms to the most astounding PCI security norms (bank-level)) 

COPYTRACK's Current and Future Business Model

COPYTRACK Mission Statement. 

Copytrack will set the keen point of reference for a globaly, extremely straightforward and first decentralized enlist for simple to duplicate of advanced substance. Copytrack likewise usage the principal utilize case for the decentralized record. 

Copytrack administrations are designed towards simple hunting down anycustomers' pictures over any web. Copytrack fruitful match, at that point propel to with authorization and permitting. Copytrack will grow our administrations to incorporate enrolling pictures by means of the keen blockchain and give another commercial center to all specialists and all purchasers. 

Copytrack Global Copyright Register-Intended Use of Platform :

Copytrack stage will comprises of 5 layers and starts witheasy to making a record and closures with the craftsman practicing full shrewd copyright control. In the wake of making a record, a craftsman can to transfer a picture. Copytrack will then play out a review on the legitimacy of the claim and if effective give a keen blockchain-based declaration to demonstrate possession. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, the craftsman can to keeps up total copyright control. Copytrack detail each of the means in their following subsections. 

Copytrack Platform Features. 
  • Decentralized File Storage. 
Copytrack isa a shrewd Decentralized and appropriated document stockpiling frameworks empower to excess information that is have a blame tolerant, control safe,, versatile, and self-supporting because of inherent motivating force frameworks. Advances, for example, the Inter Planetary File System (IPFS) and Swarm utilize peerto-peer systems to transmit data, disposing of the requirement for the delicate and siloed databases of unified specialist co-ops today. Information is content-addressable so it can be recovered utilizing a cryptographic hash of the information itself as opposed to the area of a particular substance's server, prompting a quick and future-evidence arrangement. 
  • Metadata — Constellate. 
Copytrack open, worldwide database of rights-holders and their works permits specialist co-ops to effectively permit the works for any bunch utilize cases. Keeping in mind the end goal to do as such, a cutting edge, machine-lucid, content-tended to metadata incorporate standard required. COALA (Constellate consolidates the community oriented) IP detail, reached out to interface with Ethereum ontologies (EthOn). 
  • Persevering Identity-uPort. 
Craftsmen invest years placing exertion into their imaginative work, and fans invest comparative measures of energy curating their accumulations. Decentralized system to deal with any substance control is extremely benefiical to the two fans and all craftsmen. Craftsmen never again need to stress over losing control of their substance, and fans will be not lose access to all materials that they have just acquired. 

Copytrack Strategic Partnerships 
  • KPMG International ( International Tax Advisory , International VAX Advisory and Accounting) 
  • EOS Group (some portion of OTTO business Group) (Operations of Collection Department , Operations of Legal Enforcement, and Operations of sub-records) 

  • Token name : COPYTRACK 
  • Image : CPY 
  • Cost : 1 ETH = 740 CPY 
  • Hard Cap : 60M CPY 
  • Token Sale End : 09.02.2018 23:59 UTC 




link btt profil :;u=1496201
