Senin, 05 Februari 2018


One of a kind Cancer Diagnostic Technology

On December 12, we begin a token pre-deal for Luven, a one of a kind early disease discovery innovation. The ICO is gotten ready for January 15, 2018. 

For over 20 years the Ukrainian researchers have been building up a demonstrative technique in view of cyto-morphological and cyto-biophysical properties of the buccal epithelial cells. In 2004 at Fenix Cancer Research Center, they proceeded with their examination and, at last, came up and actualized a trial strategy.

Another technique for biomaterial examination permitted to set up a disease conclusion at its beginning periods and to evaluate inclination to malignancy.

An awesome accomplishment in this restorative field opened a way to new possibilities,including tumor counteractive action and treatment.

The longstanding logical research in this field finished being developed of The Luven analytic framework.

The LUVEN screening test strategy made by researcher of our organization distinguishes malignancy at its beginning periods with the exactness of up to 96% just equivalent to biopsy. None of the current indicative procedures has such a high symptomatic exactness.

The LUVEN innovation permits to analyze the infection at its beginning times , subsequently, allowing to a huge number of individuals to keep its further improvement.

Why is it basic to identify tumor in its beginning time? 

Around 10 mln individuals worldwide are yearly determined to have malignancy, with each third patient biting the dust from it. One of the principle reasons of such a high death rate is late conclusion.

As indicated by measurements: 

  • after treatment in organize 1 cancer — around 93% of patients survive; 
  • organize 2 cancer — around 75% survive; 
  • organize 3 cancer — 55% survive; 
  • organize 4 cancer — only 13% survive; 

This is the reason one ought to get a registration as frequently as could be expected under the circumstances, consequently keeping the sickness movement.

Despite the fast advancement of present day solution and science tumor, every year, takes a great many human lives. One tumor persistent, around the world, passes on from this sickness at regular intervals.

As indicated by the WHO, the quantity of new disease cases will ascend by 70% in the following 20 years.

  • Every year 8,000,000 individuals bite the dust from disease; 
  • Consistently 27,000 patients are determined to have malignancy and this number is continually developing 
  • Because recently analysis the greater part of tumor patients bite the dust, since signs of the sickness show up in cutting edge stages; 
  • Over the most recent 10 year the quantity of oncology patients has expanded by around 25%; 

Every year around 200,000 youngsters worldwide are determined to have growth 100,000 of which pass on, for the most part because recently analysis.

The way to fruitful tumor treatment is early determination. 

In the event that recognized at the beginning period, when there are no unmistakable side effects, malignancy can be cured with no complex forceful treatments.

For a considerable length of time, the issue of early malignancy analysis has been tended to by the world's best facilities and experts, without a prepared arrangement however, since there are still no effective indicative screening tests for the early infection identification.

Luven can perceive the dynamic ailment when other analytic strategies are powerless.

The indicative precision of Luven demonstrates 85 to 96%, while exactness of registered tomography is 50 to 68%. The registered tomography however regularly can't recognize a tumor repeat or metastases.

Not at all like other analytic techniques, it separates between ceaseless incendiary conditions and disease. Other indicative strategies, incorporating paracentesis with a negative outcome, are not 100% dependable.

Its prompt rival in analytic exactness is positron-outflow tomography which requires organization of radioactive glucose, utilization of extremely costly gear, utilization of exceptionally fitted premises and uncommonly prepared medicinal experts.

Our History 

The improvement of this technique began in mid 1983 at the examination foundation, seat for hereditary qualities. In view of the cell hypothesis by Rudolf Vichow, a group of researchers was chipping away at an analytic technique and concentrate buccal cells.

Ms. Galina Shchukina, a hereditary researcher and cytologist, was at the leader of the logical research. She led a top to bottom investigation of logical papers depicting another biophysical idea of the quality movement direction in light of the part of connection between homologous chromosomes and genome. Together with Mr. Alexander Shchukin, an atomic physicist, they created a particle trap permitting to evaluate bioelectric charge of cells. 

Additionally research and investigations of this idea laid the reason for another demonstrative strategy conceived in 2004, as per which any adjustments in the human body consider cells, including buccal epithelial cells. 

It was the principal point of reference in the improvement of LUVEN a special analytic and treatment framework.

Starting today, this technique permitted to gather measurable information on trial of more than twenty thousand of patients. 

Logical establishment 

Any procedure in the body reflects in the cell, an auxiliary unit of the body. Buccal (cells from within the cheek) are the speediest to react to any progressions.

We have built up a few regularities in the progressions in electrical action of buccal cells and their cytomorphological parameters if there should arise an occurrence of any adjustments in the life forms. 

By looking at different parameters of cells and their blends, our framework called The Luven Diagnostic permits, with a high level of precision, to distinguish oncological illnesses, limitation of an unhealthy organ, inclination of movement of the malady and comorbidities. 

Countless, led in growth focuses ,demonstrated that The Luven techniques' precision is up to 96% for a few sorts of tumor, which is a high rate practically identical to biopsy. 

Indicative method 
  • A patient rounds out a patient card in the PC program; 
  • A buccal swab ( an effortless swab from within the cheek) is painstakingly gathered with a mouth spatula and put under the magnifying lens;
  • The program records a video from the magnifying instrument and exchanges it to the preparing focus;
  • Inside a few minutes the program gets a printable report; 
In view of information handling comes about the report appears: 
  • Malignancy sores in the body, assuming any; 
  • Inclination or risk to disease; 
  • Comorbidities as per the worldwide characterization of maladies (MKB-10 and TNM); 

Why is it lucrative? 

Malignancy explore is an intense social issue, in perspective of this they cast a shroud on benefits of therapeutic organizations. Be that as it may, in-vitro diagnostics, and especially disease diagnostics, is an immense and most quickly creating area, with the potential worldwide market of DNA growth tests worth about $20 bn. 

Dissimilar to the greater part of activities including ICO, our organization has officially finished 90% of the entire thing. 

We have just directed investigations, built up the whole method and got a few licenses for the strategy. Additionally, we have all the fundamental hardware and programming which can create pay and treat individuals even today. 

Your venture isn't just a cure for a colossal number of individuals, yet additionally your instrument for profiting from the capitalization development and test deal. 

Token holders have two open doors: 
  • getting a piece of the organization pay; 
  • trading their tokens for testing administrations with a 30% rebate, utilizing or pitching them to discount clients, (for example, centers, insurance agencies, doctors in private practice and so forth.) 

Investors from the nations where tokens break even with securities, (for example, USA or China) won't have the capacity to share the organization wage, notwithstanding, they will have a probability to trade their tokens for tests with a 80% rebate, utilize them or pitch them to discount clients. It implies that the organization will trade tokens for tests 5 times less expensive than the market cost. 

The organization will pitch sets of fundamental gear to labs, doctor's facilities and doctors in private practice who are occupied with clinical trials. 

Tests will be perused on the organization servers, each test will be paid for. The determination cost will differ from nation to nation. The most reduced cost will be founded on the present GDP per capita. The organization administrations will cost half of the retail cost. In this way, we will guarantee a harmony between moderateness of the determination for the populace and Company salary. 

Your venture isn't just a cure for countless, yet in addition your instrument for profiting from the capitalization development and test deals. 

For what reason do we require stores? 

At exhibit, to hit the biotechnology showcase, an organization ought to have a gigantic measure of contributed stores for leading lab and clinical trials. For example, authoritative clinical trials may cost up to $50,000 per one patient, yet trials require a great deal of them: tens, hundreds or even thousands. Scarcely any enormous organizations can really manage the cost of it, not to mention the startup. 

It's notable that for fruitful undertaking improvement everybody should tend to their very own concerns, however this specific case requires association of experts from related parts. That will likewise involve extra costs. 

In 2010 the group of researchers grasped IT authorities and mathematicians who put all the information and formulae into the product of Luven Diagnostic framework. They set up a business venture advancing the new innovation. 

In 2014 they propelled Luven Diagnostic Franchise which supported advancement in numerous nations (more than 23 recently opened analytic rooms analyzed more than two thousand patients), however soon a while later our group confronted a substantial number of issues that couldn't be understood without a major money related speculation: 
  1. The product, around then, transmitted pictures from the magnifying instrument to our handling focus where a group of cytologists would indicate parameters for the got material, after which the PC would process the information and give an outcome. We were putting extraordinary endeavors into showing cytologists how to effectively record picture parameters which shut the way to our forthcoming development. Likewise, our lab aides couldn't work every minute of every day which caused long postponements in content translations, similarly as the quantity of those tests was continually expanding; 
  2.  We couldn't pitch our demonstrative framework to different nations, since the technique required confirmation and clinical trials which, thusly, requires huge cash. 
At last, we chose to take a delay and enhance the product by including PC helped learning (programmed revisions of coefficients in formulae for the database of clinically affirmed understanding judgments) that will enable us to always enhance indicative precision, run clinical tests and re-begin our task in numerous nations in the meantime. 

Luven ICO 
  • We require cash for: 
  • additionally considers, since the innovation permits to analyze tumor, as well as distinguish different ailments; 
  • troubleshooting programming for PC helped learning, programmed acknowledgment of pictures transmitted from lab magnifying lens, age of the database of patients and their test comes about for slanting and educating patients on the need of being analyzed; 
  • different business-related tasks; 
  • promoting and publicizing; 
  • opening an inside in Austria to consider the technique; 
  • lawful administrations; 
  • opening new labs around the world; 
  • building up an indicative gadget uniquely for family utilize; 
The presale period begins on December 12 until December 29, 2017. 

The token deal is arranged from January 15 to February 28, 2018. 


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