Dbrain: A blockchain platform that collectively builds AI Apps
Dbrain provides a simple tool for many workers and data scientists to turn data into solutions. Live office workers are rewarded for performing simple tasks on data labeling & validation. Data scientists can use the generated dataset for AI application applications. Businesses may want to use an existing solution or request a new one. We automate most of the AI production workflows and provide all sides of flexible tools including web apps and Telegram Bot.
AI is supported by blockchain and has a cryptocurrency DBR
Dbrain connects all parties and integrates all stages of AI App development and implementation easily into a product that democratizes AI.
The SPOCK protocol validates the labeling qualities, achieving the exact accuracy that makes it possible. PICARD secures private and confidential data security and future revenue for data owners.
Dbraincoin (DBR) is the internal currency that parties use to pay for and accept data usage, AI usage and application on the platform.
Label the image for AI and get some Dbarin coins (DBR)
We provide simple tools for crowdworkers and data scientists to transform data into real-world AI solutions. The dataset for machine learning is still labeled by hand and takes a lot of effort.
Perform simple tasks on image labels and data validation, get paid directly with Dbraincoins (DBR) and withdraw your earnings at any time.
We Have World Class Technology
We provide a scalable and accessible infrastructure for super-expensive businesses with high-quality AI, integrated through an easy-to-use API.
- Detection of objects
- Segmentation
- Facial recognition
- Classification
- Voice recognition
- Estimated pose
- Analysis of arbitrary binary data
Dbrain has a team and a reliable and trustworthy proprietor. The core team and advisors have a proven track record and expertise in business development and execution, AI, DL and scalable computing solutions.
For More Info Please Visit:
Website: https://dbrain.io/
Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/BSBzPk1gyw5grXyvBslXdg
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dbrainio
Twitter: https://twitter.com/dbrainio