Minggu, 28 Januari 2018


Elcoin- Blockchain Intelligent Medicine
ICO and Bounty!

We introduce the undertaking for the execution of a remarkable venture blockchain product — the ELCoin subsidiary, which depends on genuine make and is upheld by a solid item continually sought after worldwide — medical and wellbeing hardware, supplemented with Blockchain Medical Platform.

We offer a goal-oriented task covering a few zones in the restorative and medicinal services industry, connecting them in a solitary structure. We recognize two noteworthy concentration regions of our undertaking:
  • Manufacturing of medicinal and social insurance hardware, on the ground of a worldwide base of logical and mechanical learning and restrictive advancements;
  • Creation of an electronic Medical Platform, utilizing blockchain advances to completely bolster doctors and social insurance experts, and in addition individuals needing restorative care, advising or just inspired by medical problems and sound way of life.
Destinations of the task:
  • Improvement and generation of versatile and expert medicinal, human services and cosmetology gear;
  • Improvement and execution of the Blockchain Medical Platform;
  • Research of new advances for the further formation of new gadgets;
  • Enrollment and licensing of items in the business sectors of the EU, North America, Australia, Russia, Asia, the Middle East and others;
  • Production of a system of human services focuses under our own image.
Created Equipment
Contraption “CARDIO”

  • A one of a kind gadget that has no analogs on the planet;
  • Conjectures the likelihood of a heart assault or stroke with a precision of 95% — It can spare a man’s life!
  • In light of various logical information and the most state-of-the-art restrictive improvements;
  • Measures and breaks down up to 77 most vital markers of the cardiovascular framework;
  • Simple to utilize;
  • Plausibility of remote information transmission;
  • Specific programming for doctors;
  • Support for clients through online conferences and the created Blockchain Medical Platform;
  • Early diagnostics of cardiovascular ailments. CARDIO convenient uncovers the ailment;
  • Particular mode for competitors. Aides in deciding the burdens and drawing up cardio exercises;
  • Working modes for grown-ups and kids;
  • Spares time. It is conceivable to lead day by day diagnostics on various real parameters at home. By and large, there is no requirement for a stationary examinations;
  • Spares cash. In real cases, there is no requirement for costly center examinations;
  • Conveyability. The gadget can be taken in movements, trips, utilized amid the day at work or at home;
  • Worked in Li-Ion battery;
  • Beautiful touchscreen show;
  • Easy to use interface;
  • Produced using extraordinary medicinal materials.

How the gadget works 
The gadget is being created since 2014 together with driving researchers and doctors in the field of cardiovascular maladies. In 2017, preparatory clinical trials of the model were effectively done. The acquired outcomes vouch for the similarity of the gadget to the proclaimed remarkable highlights and demonstrate the tremendous capability of its application.

The CARDIO isn’t only a gadget, yet an entire complex of logical and mechanical research. Through the arrangement of sensors, which are appended to a few focuses on the human body, the gadget removes the information of 77

markers of the cardiovascular framework. At that point, extraordinarily created calculations dissect the got information, and the gadget shows data on the gadget show with a conclusion.

Thusly, the gadget will have the capacity to anticipate

the probability of a heart assault and stroke in a man with a high precision, up to 95%. With the assistance of remote transmission of data and extraordinary programming created by us, the information can be handled by restorative

specialists for additional top to bottom investigation. This, for instance, will be important to evaluate the admissible burdens for competitors and to anticipate over the top impacts on the cardiovascular framework.

Contraption “Proficient”

  • Measures the electrical parameters of the organically dynamic zones (BAZ) by R.Vall technique;
  • Measures the electrical parameters of organically dynamic focuses (BAP) as indicated by the R.Voll strategy (counting physical, head and auricular focuses);
  • Behaviors topical, syndromic, nosological and nearby (for instance, deciding the degree of damage of the spine, paranasal sinuses, teeth) determination;
  • Behaviors medicate testing (assessment of the impacts of different pharmacological and non-pharmacological operators on the human body);
  • Behaviors restorative testing with the assistance of an inherent medicamentous selector;
  • Behaviors a vegetative reverberation test by the strategy for H.Shimmel;
  • Behaviors electroacupuncture treatment; electromagnetic treatment; quantum treatment;
  • Behaviors bioresonance treatment as indicated by the technique for F.Morel and E.Rashe; complex treatment (the administration under which bioresonance treatment is led together with electromagnetic treatment with related auto nosode and arrangements from the medicamental selector);
  • Support for the client through online counsultations and the created Blockchain Medical Platform;
  • Extraordinary programming for doctors;
  • Demonstrated high productivity of gadgets of this compose;
  • Diagnostics and treatment are executed all the while;
  • Gadget is outfitted with a Li-Ion battery;
  • Easy to understand interface.
Right now, our organization is building up various new medicinal gadgets and the Blockchain Medical Platform for the usage of the venture. To date, we have just put more than US$ 2,5 million in inquires about and advancement.

We chose to settle on gathering pledges through the blockchain framework and entering the ICO keeping in mind the end goal to quicken the finish of the started one of a kind improvements that have no analogs on the planet and the resulting section into the world market.

The cost of pharmaceutical on the planet is continually developing. This is impacted by many variables, including the expansion and maturing of the populace, financial development in creating nations, and others. As indicated by the World Bank’s report, world wellbeing spending will surpass $12 trillion of every 2022

In the event that we take a gander at the insights of the most financed computerized medicinal new businesses in the US, at that point we see that our undertaking falls into a few classifications: telemedicine, investigation (blockchain stage) and restorative gear. This demonstrates the considerable capability of our undertaking as far as execution and further gainfulness.

Regardless of various assignments that are to be illuminated, the telemedicine showcase is guaging critical development. Today, this market is evaluated at $23 billion. The development estimate shows that by 2021 it will achieve a volume of

at the very least $41 billion. This demonstrates the colossal capability of utilizing the most recent advances and arrangements in the field of electronic information exchange to enhance the accessibility and nature of therapeutic and wellbeing administrations


We have examined the present circumstance in the field of telemedicine and are certain that the proposed adaptation of blockchain drug will supplement the positive parts of telemedicine, while in the meantime it will conquer some of its negative angles and obstructions.

The task proposes to join doctors and wellbeing experts from different territories into one framework on the onehand, and patients on the other.

ELCoin Blockchain Medical Platform is a decentralized stage that empowers secure, quick and straightforward trade and utilization of medicinal information. We acquaint use of blockchain innovation with store tolerant wellbeing records and keep up a solitary rendition of the genuine information.

ELCoin Blockchain Medical Platform will empower distinctive medicinal services specialists, for example, specialists, healing centers, research facilities, drug specialists and guarantors to ask for consent to get to and connect with therapeutic records. Every connection is auditable, straightforward, and secure, and will be recorded as an exchange on circulated record, Additionally, no protection is lost in this procedure;

ELCoin Blockchain Medical Platform is based on the consent based Hyperledger Fabric design which permits differing access levels; patients control who can see their records, the amount they see and for what period of time.

We arrange for that the actualized framework will gather data on the ailments and strategies for their treatment. All data will be assessed just by exceptionally proficient specialists in their field of solution and wellbeing change. This capacity will be copied a few times to keep away from blunders. The stage will be loaded with instructive writing, portrayals of different systems, discourse areas for doctors, specialists and patients. Online workshops, trainings and meetings will be held. From the perspective of social advantages, individuals will be educated through the stage about the need to keep a sound way of life with a specific end goal to keep the improvement of various infections.

The venture includes bringing reserves up in the ELCoin subordinate, which is executed as a money related instrument on the Etherium stage and is supported with a genuine product — medical and wellbeing enhancing electronic gadgets of different focusing on, supplemented by a worldwide ELCoin Blockchain Medical Platform. The benefit of our undertaking at the primary stage will be given by two wellsprings of income:

1. Revenues from the offer of gadgets produced by our organization. To this end, a system of merchants is now being made, who will have merchant rebates and uncommon conditions. Merchants incorporate doctors and experts, discount merchants of therapeutic hardware, endeavors in the field of games and wellness, facilities and medicinal workplaces, other intrigued people. Right now, merchants are as of now working or in the arranging

arrange in the accompanying nations:

Joined Kingdom and Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Greece and Cyprus, Bulgaria, the Baltic States (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia), Finland, Norway, Hong Kong, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, USA and Canada.

Table demonstrates the arrangement of offers of gadgets from 2018 to 2023. The accompanying costs for the gadgets are arranged:

Cardio USD 1000

Quantum 40 USD 600

Quantum 60 USD 800

Quantum 100 USD 1000

Proficient USD 5000

Antiparasitic/Therapeutical (as of now delivered) USD 600

For more clear estimations, we took the normal cost of the gadget to be 800 dollars for every unit, in view of the mass offer of convenient gadgets. From 2018 to 2019, we intend to triple the offers of gadgets because of the arrival of new

models. From 2019 to 2021, we intend to expand deals by no less than 100% every year because of the improvement of new markets, seeking after a forceful approach of item advancement.

Since 2022, we are arranging a base yearly deals development of 30% every year. Notwithstanding, we trust that the consistent logical research and generation of new sorts of gear will enable us to achieve the development rate at the level of half. The evaluated cost of the gear, which incorporates costs for the buy of parts, the generation of cases and bundling, publicizing and advertising, managerial expenses, and in addition the interests of merchants of our hardware, won’t surpass 65% of the last cost of the gadgets.

2. The second wellspring of income will be the benefit from the operation of the ELCoin Blockchain Medical Platform. These incomes will comprise of the yearly commitments of doctors, specialists, patients and different partners for the utilization of the stage. The principle clients will be purchasers of our gadgets. Moreover, we additionally plan to broadly disperse data about the blockchain stage to individuals who are not clients of our items. We arrange for that by and large no less than 70% of the general population, who acquired our gadgets will be enrolled on the stage and keep on registering for additionally support of work with the gadgets. We intend to offer a few diverse access bundles to the framework:
  • Package for doctors/experts: 300 dollars for each year
  • Package 1: $100 every year ($8.3 every month). Set number of request, conferences, support in workshops
  • Package 2: $150 every year ($12.5 every month). Set number of request, conferences, support in workshops. Amount is 2 times more than in Package 1
  • Package 3: $300 every year ($25 every month). Boundless number of request, meetings, cooperation in workshops.
The costs of the stage will comprise of paying exhortation to doctors and experts, paying for servers, keeping up the operability, security and dependability of the framework and other managerial costs. They will

represent around half of incomes so as to consistently build up the capacities and nature of the administration gave. Table 2 demonstrates the income from the operation of the stage. Incomes are figured taking into

account just the cost of Package 1. Add up to incomes from the venture at the phase of 2018– 2023 are introduced in Table 3

The following phase of the organization’s improvement, which we intend to start to actualize since 2022, will be the development of a system of social insurance focuses utilizing different strategies for diagnostics, treatment and treatment and

recovery. The focuses will be worked in such nations as Italy, Spain, Greece, Cyprus, United Kingdom, Germany, and so on. The focuses will be worked as little edifices for 80– 100 rooms and an extensive number of procedural spaces for diagnostics, counteractive action, recuperation and treatment. It is arranged that the system will be worked under its own image with the further plausibility of offering the establishment.

The appropriation of tokens is a vital piece of the underlying deal. The quantity of tokens and recurrence of their discharge specifically influences their cost. A sum of 60,000,000 tokens will be discharged. These tokens will be circulated as

takes after:
  • 30,000,000 (half of the aggregate number of tokens is ) will be sold at the phase from November 19 2017 to February 5 2018.
  • If pre-requested and amid the primary seven day stretch of the Distribution Period, the cost of one ELC token is US$ 0,80 (5 % of the aggregate number of tokens available to be purchased is 1,500,000 ELC)
  • During the second seven day stretch of the Distribution Period, the cost of one ELC Token will be US$ 0,85 (5 % of the aggregate number of tokens available to be purchased is 1,500,000 ELC)
  • During the third seven day stretch of the Distribution Period, the cost of one ELC Token will be US$ 0,90 (5 % of the aggregate number of tokens available to be purchased is 1,500,000 ELC)
  • During the third seven day stretch of the Distribution Period, the cost of one ELC Token will be US$ 0,95 (5 % of the aggregate number of tokens available to be purchased is 1,500,000 ELC)
  • After the 28-th day of the Distribution Period until the point that the Expiration Date, the cost of one ELC Token will be US$ 1,00 (80% of the aggregate number of tokens available to be purchased is 24,000,000 ELC)
12,000,000 (20%) will be held for use by the Reserve Fund with a specific end goal to settle the digital currency at the trade

12,000,000 (20%) Tokens will be held for the originators/group

3,000,000 (5%) will be held for utilization of the abundance framework

3,000,000 (5%) Tokens will be held for guides, coaches

The top for bringing reserves up in the Distribution Period will be freely declared 24 hours before the Distribution

Beginning Date, in light of the market circumstance and the interest for the buy of tokens.
Step by step instructions to Get ELCoins

The underlying offer of tokens will occur between November 19 2017 and December 17 2017 and will be sorted out on the site: https://elcoin.io. Kindly enroll ahead of time with the goal that we advise you of the dates of offers beginnings. The last comparative ICO were finished inside a couple of minutes after the dispatch. Having enrolled ahead of time you are ensured not to miss the date of the deal beginning.

In the wake of finishing deals, you can without much of a stretch open an ElCoin account utilizing the freely accessible Ethereum wallet. Since ElCoin is a completely decentralized framework, it utilizes distributed innovation to guarantee decentralization. The system itself will have the capacity to give access to the discharged ElCoins token, working from anyplace on the planet, whenever, hence guaranteeing the every minute of every day coherence of exchanges.

After the conclusion of offers, intrigued members will have the capacity to purchase or offer tokens on trades, as per the laws of their nations.

All exchanges will be ensured by cutting edge cryptographic advancements, and the respectability of the blockchain will be given by powerful and ASIC secured calculations, in light of the “verification of stake”. This exceptional model will enable us to quicken exchanges and give the required level.

The objective of ELIS is to help the current digital money group. We will look to keep up and increment the cost of the ELC token. We additionally don’t need our deal to influence the cost of Bitcoin digital currency, so we will be to a great degree wary in changing over tokens into fiat cash to pay our costs. We will disperse such changes after some time and between various digital money trades and the cryptographic forms of money. This will limit the dangers related with the cost of the ELC token and other digital forms of money.

For More Information Please visit:

Site : https://elcoin.io/
Whitepaper : https://elcoin.io/White_Paper%200.9_v3.pdf
Bitcointalk : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2376947.0
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/elcoinio/
Twitter : https ://twitter.com/ELCOIN_IO

btt link profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1496201
