Minggu, 28 Januari 2018


REALTYCOIN — Buying Property With The Lowest Price All Over The World

Hi everybody, I will present this new undertaking about RealtyCoin venture and for more points of interest allows simply go to the accompanying discourse:
Realtycoin ensures interest in Real Estate

What is Realty coin?

Realtycoin is another venture of a long-standing organization and has been celebrated for their central command in the sago, bean stew city. Realtycoin tries to misuse the prominence of blockchain and makes RTC coins keeping in mind the end goal to purchase property at the most reduced cost in the entire world and after that they will offer it at a high cost. with such exchanges the benefits earned from such exchanges can surely be huge.

We make this coin with the point of purchasing land requiring little to no effort and after that offering it at a higher cost and afterward procuring a decent benefit. 10% of this benefit will be imparted to our financial specialists. We are likewise during the time spent organizing concurrences with manufacturers and different organizations identified with land to get unique coins as installment choices. Realtycoin plans to be the main coin to purchase and offer land from around the globe.

The RealityCoin is another result of a recently settled organization, called Inversiones Derezunsky SpA. The corporate expense id is 76.797.127–3 and is situated in Santiago, Chile. We dispatch our venture and issue a RTC coin with reason

purchase land at the most minimal value worldwide and afterward offer it at a higher cost, so get a great deal of benefit for it. What we are attempting to make, the chain, where we will spread the 10% benefit from any arrangement with our speculators. Likewise, we can ensure the installment alternatives that will be acknowledged by corporate manufacturers and land specialists. We need you to be a piece of this business, so you can turn into a land operator for yourself indeed, even without much exertion. So on the off chance that you have seen or found great land business opportunity, you can win with us as well Regardless of where you are or where land is, we will get everything over the world.

Realtycoin is another item from a recently settled organization called inversiones Derezunsky SpA. with corporate assessment account 76.797.127–3 situated in santiago city, Chile. Realtycoin makes a venture and by utilizing the notoriety of blockchain and making RTC coins to purchase land at the most minimal cost around the world. what’s more, after that offer higher. So get a considerable measure of advantages. That is the prospect that we will make by giving 10% benefit for financial specialists from each arrangement. Moreover Realtycoin can likewise ensure the installment choices that will be acknowledged by land engineers and land specialists. Realtycoin needs to be a piece of this business. so we ought to have the capacity to wind up noticeably a land specialist for ourselves without working hard. obviously this is an open door. in the event that you have discovered the splendid side of the speculation business by joining Realtycoin. since Realtycoin will dependably be with us wherever we are.

Regularly our personalities emerge Questions are hard to reply, what sort of land we are searching for. we should be quick to see openings. where conditions disa’at progressively troublesome. what’s more, earnestness needs, that is the place they pitch their property to address their issues. Be that as it may, on the off chance that you are looked with the position. You don’t should be befuddled Realtycoin makes this an awesome chance to have this kind of land.

Realtycoin Property Type:

  • The property was demolished.
  • Property that isn’t ignored and torpid
  • Property influenced by guarantee from
  • Property Bank is stuck in a bad position
  • What’s more, the sort of property whose proprietor needs to offer it rapidly.
  • Brief Overview of RTC Token

Mindful of one of the worries encompassing the crypto world Disorders are extremely unsteady and erratic by any means. in any case, not to stress in light of the fact that with Realtycoin we can put resources into a standout amongst the most strong resources ever in the land world specifically. we can wind up plainly one of the property business accomplice. since Realtycoin dependably tries to purchase property at the most reduced cost and offer it back at a high cost to the client. with a benefit sharing framework from this land business. Realtycoin makes ensured great coins as the essential installment instrument in the buy or offer of land around the world.

Realtycoin is a crypto that gives numerous advantages and can be demonstrated by the nature of Interdisciplinary Realtycoin groups. bolstered by individuals who are specialists in their field. for example, the fields of law, fund, PC configuration, showcasing and numerous others. By putting resources into Realtycoin you won’t discover issues like putting resources into such customary way. You are not looked with a base measure of venture, charge card proprietorship, rating of your own information on the bank, or something else. With Realtycoin venture made simple, we can do wherever we are, by essentially requiring web association. at that point the automated revenue from the venture business in land we can get. with home office in Chile. the nation that is viewed as the most key and the best since Chile is a standout amongst the most straightforward and free from degenerate practices. Realtycoin is a decentralized crypto standard blockchain with keen contract ethereum. Tim Realtycoin trusts that crypto coins are another period in the land business. Realtycoin developed to soften the limits of people up putting resources into property. with a strong speculation. Realtycoin plans to help the land showcase all around. which is required to touch 200 trillion dollars more. Realtycoin puts intensely in Chile’s very attractive resources. gradually this venture will soon create the world over. with commitments from speculators. get property at a deal cost and pitch it at a high cost to make a major benefit is the fundamental target Realtycoin is a piece of Realtycoin speculators. Realtycoin will keep on working ideally to be recorded on different crypto acceleration of trade after the ICO program is finished.

  • bittrex
  • poloniex
  • kraken
  • yobit, and so forth.
  • Detail Information about Realtycoin (RTC)
  • Keen contract stage: Ethereum Blockchain
  • Contract compose: ERC-20
  • Token name: RealtyCoin
  • Token ticker: RTC

Put resources into Real bequest with RealtyCoin
We as a whole search for long haul security with regards to contributing our cash, some say offers, and some say common assets. Be that as it may, outstanding amongst other approaches to contribute and be relatively guaranteed of good returns is land. Land is the alleged evergreen market which ensures enormous long haul returns on your speculations. RealtyCoin is the result of another organization which is called Inversiones Derezunsky SpA situated in Santiago, Chile. Their thought is basic: purchasing property at bring down rates and later on offering it at higher costs, in this way making a colossal benefit all the while. 10% of each benefit will be conveyed similarly among every one of the financial specialists.

This organization doesn’t purchase any property available and just manages certain sort of land:

  • Destroyed properties
  • Relinquished properties
  • Compelled to pitch to the banks
  • Properties made up for lost time in lawful issues
  • Properties which require prompt purchasers


  • The underlying capital which is required to put resources into land is too high and generally out of the financial plan.
  • Another financial specialist might not know about all the legitimate issues identified with land.
  • Getting an advance is intense, and regardless of whether you get one, the loan costs are typically high.
  • Regardless of whether you have the capital, it is hard to purchase property in an alternate nation in the event that you don’t have a place with that nation abandoning you with constrained choices.


  • RealtyCoin makes a decentralized financial framework, with no outskirts and constraints enabling you to put from anyplace on the planet.
  • Everybody will have an equivalent say as votes as to which property ought to be sold, rented, remade or devastated.
  • The measure of cash you need to contribute relies upon you, which means even little ventures will get you corresponding returns.
  • No banks are engaged with the entire procedure as all the cash is obtained from the speculators.

RTC is the token image and 1 RTC=0.00036 ETH. All installments will be acknowledged just in ETH or BTC.

The pre-deal was held from 17 November 2017–17 December 2018 and the base buy was set at 0.5 ETH or 1410 RTC.

The ICO gazed on 17 December 2017 and will go ahead until 31 January 2018. The delicate top is $500,000 USD. The objective volume for the token deal is 500,000,000. Out of this:

  • 200,000,000 will be accessible for token deal.
  • 75,000,000 is held for ICO rewards.
  • 150,000,000 is held for RealtyCoin group.
  • 75,000,000 is held for early adopters in pre-deal.

Plan of action
It is isolated into two sections : getting property and auctioning it off.

Properties will be procured with the cash that has been gotten from the financial specialists by means of the ICO. The properties will, later on, be sold at higher costs and an arrival of 10% will be imparted to the speculators as a profit. As this procedure goes on, the cost of RTC will rise.

The organization likewise intends to make RTC a satisfactory methods for installment in land advertise.

By and by, the organization just works in Chile and will move to various zones as it extends. Be that as it may, it is a decent time to put resources into Chilean property, as VAT is forced on more current properties in Chile, making more seasoned properties more lucrative. The organization is yet to break down the innovative angles because of absence of important documentation. Likewise, you should be cautious as it could end up being yet another Ponzi plot. The land showcase is likewise exceptionally unpredictable and there is no 100% assurance of good returns. By and large, it is still in the advancement stage and you should sit tight for some additional time before putting your cash into it.

To know more visit:
Site : http ://therealtycoin.io/
Whitepaper : https://drive.google.com/document/d/1DRdU4f8Fa6nfeIID2FyzgwNFB9eJmLwo/see
REALTYCOIN TELEGRAM CHANNEL : https://t.me/therealtycoin_ico
FACEBOOK : https: // www .facebook.com / therealtycoin /
TWITTER : https://twitter.com/realtycoin1

link btt profil : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1496201
